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I'm pretty much Fucked.

God fucking damnit. Of course she didn't think of anything when the first red feather show up, why would she. It was just a coincidence. Now-She huffs-he knows where she live. That fucker. He's been sending her his feathers and she had brushed them off. Now it was not a coincidence. She jerked open her door, almost pulling it off the hinges. This bird man really stalked her. She stomped up the stairs. God was she pissed, how dare he!? She opened the roof door, seeing him. "YOU!" She shouted. Hawks turned. Oh god she was here she knows. She practically ran to him. Her feathers fluffing out to make her seam bigger. Matching her anger. "You have no reason to be following me!" Hawks put his hands up, hoping to calm her anger. It did not.
"Wait now-I didn't-I would never-"
 She crossed her arms over her chest,. His had such a look of shock. Like he didn't think she was smart enough to figure it out. "What? you thought I was dumb and could not put the clues together?!" Hawks spluttered, "No! You're not dumb, I mean you're pretty smart." Is he trying to flirt with me? Are you serious?  "You need to stop it." She said. 


She found him, she knew. She knows! He didn't think this far, well he did. Just not the way she would react.   "What? you thought I was dumb and could not put the clues together?!" Hawks spluttered, "No! You're not dumb, I mean you're pretty smart." He just wanted her to understand. She gave him a look of anger. "You need to stop it" Stop what? The following to make sure she's ok and makes it home? "Stop the flirting. You're just making yourself look even worse." She spat. Flirting? She thinks he is flirting with her? "I'm not flirting" She raised and eyebrow. "Then what do you call it?" Hawks smiled nervously at her. "Talking?" 
"Well I need you to stop it. Stop following me, Stop flirting, stop trying!" Hawks backs down, realizing that  she needs space. He could always just tell her why. Then that might scare her away. No, he'll just let her calm down then try again. He gave a curt nod, "Now leave and take your feathers with you!" 


Day 2

After she had confronted him, everything went back to normal. A full whole day to not be stalked by. There was a knock on her door followed by shuffling. Might be the mail. She opens the door seeing a small basket. He better not have- She sat down at her table. Staring at the small basket. There was a note on top. 'Namali, I know you don't want to hear from me again. I would just like to apologize. You are intriguing. I knew the moment I saw you I just knew I had to get to know you. If you would, I would like to take you out. I left behind a feather so just attach it to your reply. If you do say no....You'll never see me again.' He was true to his word, there at the top of a basket was a singular feather. A pen in hand she went and wrote her response. When she was done she stuck the feather to the paper and set it outside her door. 


Hopefully this would be a better approach rather than the following. It was not stalking. He left a letter and one feather. Praying above that she wouldn't maim the feather he sent. He waited. Patience. she took so long to respond. She was thinking about it though. Or a nice way to let you down. He subconscious chimed in. After almost 3 hours, he felt it. She had written him a response. He gently pulled the feather, not wanting to lose the response. 
'This sounds like a date? Why would I want to go on a date with someone whos been stalking me? I don't care if you're a pro hero. It shouldn't matter. I want to say no. My instincts are telling me to give you a chance. That's all you give. One chance, You screw that up and I will kill you myself. That being said, Friday the 15 I am free. We will meet up at Dinning Divas. Be there at 7pm on the dot. You got that? A second late and its done.' 
She said she would give him a chance. She is giving him a chance! "YES!" Hawks cheered. In his excitement he flew high in the sky. The diving down before doing it again. The 15th was 8 days away, he just had to wait 8 days. 


God she really hope her instincts are right, or she is going to regret giving the stalker a chance.  When have her instincts been wrong though? Never. Damn it. She flopped down on her bed, losing her self in her thoughts. Tomorrow she would have to go to the doctor for a check up. Then pick out an outfit for....the date. There was something she hasn't felt in a while. It was the calling card of adventure, of paths awaiting her feet. Whatever was ahead could be a great challenge, and there could be tears, but it was her adventure to take. Excitement. When was the last time she was even on a date? High school? That was over 6 years ago. Jeez, that long?  Hmm Dinning Divas was not an fancy place but not to casual. Maybe that navy blue dress? It makes her feathers pop. Add some jewelry to make it a little bit fancy. 


Day 3

The doctor visit, went horrible. They had scolded her for pushing herself on the walk and the practically running up 3 flights of stairs. They gave her some meds. You know the usual. "When do I need to come back?" She really hoped they would say she didn't need to. Nope. "You need to come back on the 17th." She groaned, dramatically throwing her hand over her face. "Whyyyyyy?" Namali peaked at the doctor who was nervously smiling at her. "That is just for the stiches." She nodded. Stiches could cause an infection. ughhhhh. 
Namali was back at home, relaxing and enjoying her time alone. KNOCK KNOCK. Who was knocking at her door. Lo and behold, it was Hawks. "Now I know today is not the 15th" She said. Hawks chuckled. "Uh well I just wanted to give you a gift. You know" He trailed off. He held out a bouquet of flowers. "There are Freesia, Daisy, Carnation, Peony, Tulips and Red Roses." He held the flowers out, ears slightly turning red. Flowers? He brought her flowers? How cliché, but nerveless thoughtful. "Thank you." Namali held the flowers close to her, inhaling the sweet scents. It was quite. He coughed nervously, "Well I'm going to go." He said. She walked him to the door, just as she was closing the door her spoke. "Just uh-look up what the flowers mean." Oh boy, she did. 
Freesia- Friendship, trust and thoughtfulness. 
Daisy- Loyal love
Carnation- fascination
Peony- Beauty and elegance 
Tulips- Perfection and Royalty 
Red Rose- Romance and passion 

Namali was blushing, her own feathers fluttering in excitement. Wow...he really means it. Like he is serious about this. Damn it. He was serious about this. 

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