33. My safe place

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Author's POV

Y/n and Rang went straight to Rang's place, more like she took him there and he couldn't refuse. Since Rang was drunk, y/n drove them home. Rang was still shocked and surprised by y/n's behavior.

They reached home and y/n went straight to the kitchen keeping her hand bag on the table in front of the couch while Rang just followed her confused.

She took a glass and started making something,

''I'll take the room in front of yours, if you don't mind.'' She said while squeezing a lemon in the glass.
''What ? Oh, okay.'' Rang stood mouth agape, he no longer felt drunk. He was more than sober, the situation had made him so.

''Here. You don't want a hangover tomorrow do you ?'' Y/n said handing him the glass of hangover juice that she made while Rang just stared at her dumbfounded. He'd never seen y/n like this.

''What ? Need my help drinking it ?'' She said with a straight face. And he shook his head vigorously in denial, gulping the drink down at once. It would be safe to say that he was kinda scared of how y/n was acting. She was usually pretty calm and collected but to Rang now it seemed like she was angry ?

She took the glass from Rang and kept it in the dishwasher meanwhile opening the door to the refrigerator to check things for the next day's breakfast.

''Y/n, what's wrong ?'' Rang asked after mustering some courage.
''Nothing. Why ?'' She said still looking inside the refrigerator, moving different foods in order. She hated disorganised things.
''You suddenly decided to stay with me....''
''Why ? You don't want me to ?''
''No ! It's not like that. I was just wondering..... ''
''Since when did you beat around the bush Lee rang ?''
''Since you started getting scary.'' He muttered inaudibly under his breath.

''I just want to know why you suddenly came to that decision.'' He said making y/n close the door to the refrigerator and turn around to look at him face to face. Did that make him flinch ? Yes.

''If you're thinking I made this decision because I pity you or anything, you're totally wrong. Neither was I pressured emotionally. I made this decision solely because I wanted to. I wanted to stay with you.''

''Why ?''

''Cause I feel safe when i'm with you. I don't get any nightmares. Yesterday for the first time in these few days I could dream of something good, only because you were with me Rang.''

Rang felt whole after hearing y/n say all that. He felt all his inner wounds that he got from meeting Yeon earlier get stitched up by y/n's every word. He couldn't hide the smile creeping on to his face, he didn't want to.

''So since i'm here anyways, you can look at me to feel better if things get too difficult.'' Rang couldn't hold himself anymore, he walked towards y/n and pulled her in his warm embrace.

Y/n felt taken aback at first but then collected her thoughts.
''Yah, I only said you could look at me.'' She said still in his embrace, making the gumiho chuckle. Well it was better than him crying and feeling low.

''Thank you y/n.'' Rang said pulling away.
''Its alright. I checked the refrigerator by the way and I couldn't see any belgian choco chip cakes. Did I just get fooled by a gumiho who promised me cake ?'' Y/n said making Rang giggle.
''I'll get it tomorrow for sure.'' He said smiling wide.

''Fine, i'll see you tomorrow morning then.'' Y/n said yawning.
''Yeah. You should get some rest. Good night.''
''Ahmm.'' Y/n starts to walk away to her room leaving Rang still dazed about her standing in the living room, but she stops and turns around as she reached for her rooms door.

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