Chapter 27- Insignificance

Start from the beginning

"To answer the question brought up before, the result all relies within the way you personally decide to approach this task." Saturn answered

"What kind of teacher's advice is that supposed to be?" Pisces raised a brow

"It was never considered advice to begin with, go ahead and figure out the rest for yourselves." Saturn blatantly replied as she swiftly left in a hurry, knowing the bell had gone long before the class had realised it did

I glanced to my right as my eyes locked with the soft, azure blue ocean-like ones, knowing very well they belonged to a certain sapphire-haired bluenette as before I could urge to strike a conversation with her, Taurus had already occupied her much to my own dismay. I sighed, audibly irritated with the fact I couldn't discuss the current events with the knowledge Capricorn had managed to figure and gather together about the certain mystifying novel, or well, book we had found back some time ago in the bag of that discreet snail, also referred to as Ophiuchus. My main priority at the moment is the gain as much knowledge we could find on the book itself, the origins of the book itself are most certainly unknown as it had remained anonymously unhidden within the heart of the school up until now.

"I have another question about the assignment, are we allowed to work together in groups or do we specifically have to independently work on it on our own?" Pisces asked

"Ooo, I really hope it becomes a group project! You know what they always say, teamwork is dreamwork! Right, Aries?!" Sagittarius happily exclaimed as Aries contrastingly shook her head 'no' at the statement, Gemina mildly agreeing.

"Hm, I haven't entirely decided on the matter but perhaps I might aswell grant you the liberties of being able to choose that specific matter by yourself" Saturn swiftly replied

"Finally, we're being treated like young adults! Unfortunately I can't say the same for everybody else in this vicinity though" Ophiuchus sneered

"Nobody asked for your input man, plus bare in mind there are still people such as myself who have two years to go until eighteen! I still feel mentally thirteen years old even if it has been a good old three years since that old money phase of mine" Taurus said, cringing back on the thought itself

"You've barely changed, you're still a flowerine bush in charge of the botanical gardens! Though you don't have braces on anymore, I'll give you that" Sagittarius sighed, reminiscing back to the good old days of middle school times

"I don't think she deserves the privilege to be able to take care of the gardens within the school, especially due to the disgraceful behaviour she illustrated towards you in our last encounter" Gemina huffed

"Mind you not, I have the right to be able to defend my friend against your own hypocrisy" Taurus crossed her arms

"I wonder how Sagi and Aries would feel about you calling them practically careless when it comes to their own education, I bet you wouldn't be acting as courageous as you are right now" Gemina 'accidentally' revealed whilst the class simultaneously remained dead silent at the ongoing rampage by the two in a current feud

"I mean, she's not wrong." Aries slowly started off

"There's nothing much I can do about it either, it's pointless to care about something ever-so futile." She continued

"I don't think it's much of a big deal, really? People are always going to have opinions about you so I might aswell just live my life and stand by the catchphrase 'yolo' for the rest of my life!" Sagittarius proudly stated

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