Irresistible PT.2

Start from the beginning

"It's just you're acting uh, a little..." Sheppard seems to hesitate.


"Well, I had another word in mind."

"This is not something to treat lightly." 

"No, it isn't. You've brought a stranget to Atlantis without prior approval. Now he knows about the city as well as our gate address." 

"Luious would do nothing to harm us. He come in peace, as our friend. You have his word and mine on that." 


We leave Beckett to obsesess over Lucius. "Do you think he poses a threat?"

"Definitely a nucisance."

"I would describe him as a misgoynistic pain in the ass. But no, I don't think he'll do any damage." 

"If what Beckett says is correct," McKay starts."These medicines could be of value to us." 

"We'll just keep an eye on him. McKay, and I are heading out to scout more gates." John turns to me. "You and Ronon, keep him an eye on him, and never let him out of your sight." 

"Yes, sir."


The two of us walk up the stairs, as we hear Lucius tries to leave the room. 

"Guests aren't able to walk around the city without being escorted." 

"Oh, what do you say you escort me then, huh? Huh?" I scowl at him in response. "You don't like me yet, do you?"

"Yet?" Ronon questions. 

"I'm sorry. My manners just fail when I am in the presence of a beautiful woman. Isn't she something, huh?" He asks the Satedan man as if I am not here.

"Yeah." He answers clearly not sharing his attitude.

"We'll send some food.

Lucius then decides to get even closer. "Oh no, no, no. Come on, come on. Don't make me sit in there all alone. Come on, please?"

I grumble, but I'm trying to give him the benefit of the doubt. "Then all three of us will go." Then I turn quickly on my heel. 

"Oh both? Both of you is good! yeah. We'll get to know each other then, okay? Like, how do you get your hair to go like that?" 


The benefit of the doubt was a bad idea. Like the worst idea. 

"You know you are stunning." 

"As you have said, plenty of times." 

"I mean it. You would be my most beautiful wife."

Being with him is giving me a headache. " You know what Lucius, I don't want to be your wife. Ever." 

"Is it because you two are together. Because if so, I will back off, but if not, being my wife would be so fulfilling."

Before I can give him another earfull about respecting me, Ronon pulls me closer. "We are. Now leave her alone."

I stare up at the man, shocked at the contact for one, but also for the lie. Ronon is not one to lie, but maybe he's realized that this guy only respects another man. 

"My bad. I am sorry. You've got quite the woman."

Before either of us can respond to him, Beckett runs up with a gleeful smile on his face. "Lucius! Doctor Weir wants to see you!" 

"Well, this was fun, if you ever leave him, please remember I'll be here." Then he leaves with a wink and I feel like puking.

We watch him walk away before we address the elephant in the room. "Thank you." I clear my throat. "You didn't have to do that." 

"I did." Ronon finally turns to look at me and he looks practically enraged. "You deserve to be treated better, and if that means lying that you're mine, then it's worth it. I was raised to treat a woman with respect, that was why..." He softens and a haunted look passes over his face. "You deserve better." 

"I appreciate it, really. Sam's an amazing woman and she never let any man treat her as less than that, and Jack told me to never settle for less, that's why I'm so picky."

"They're right. No one should treat you like less than." 

I nod. "Can I ask you a question? About your past? I'd understand if you don't want to, you normally don't talk about it, but I have a question." I rush out. "But if not it's okay!" 

He thinks for a second, and I'm pretty sure he's going to say no but then the man just nods and I take that as an invitation to ask.

"Who was she? The woman that you almost talked about?"

"Her name was Melena." He answers quietly.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"I-" he starts, "I don't think..." 

I touch his arm. "I understand. Thank you for sharing just her name with me. And thank you for protecting me!" He just nods.

"Let's go check on Lucius, we were told to keep an eye on him." We get up from the table. "Just make sure I don't kill him, and I'm pretty sure that will be following orders."Ronon laughs and shakes his head. 

Fighting Passions - Ronon Dex - Stargate AtlantisWhere stories live. Discover now