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"Petite Princesse! Petite Princesse! Tu es enfin là!" 

"J'suis là, J'suis là! Calme-toi reuf! 

(Translation below, and any french conversations will be in english and italics from here on out)

"Little Princess! Little Princess! You're finally here!" Arthur shouted across the airport arrivals lounge. 

Her family always called her "ma/notre/la petite princesse"  (my/our/the little princess) and about a million other nicknames. Just the benefit of being the youngest child and the only daughter in a family of all boys. As soon as Y/N was born, Herve and Pascale said that they were done, that they'd always wanted a little girl, a 'little princess'.

"I'm here, I'm here! Calm down bro!" Y/n sighed, exacerbated with her brother's extraness.

"Wait till the others see you, you've grown so much"

"Turtur, I saw you at Christmas... it's only been 7 months dude. I stopped growing at like 18"

"I know but you used to be so young! It's your birthday next week!"

When Charles had phoned and demanded that Y/n come to the Hungarian Grand-Prix, she was hesitant. She didn't want to spend her birthday alone, but she also didn't want to be photographed and speculated about the weekend beforehand. Y/n had never been to either of her brothers' races, or been on their instagrams, or gone out in public with them since they got well known (without a disguise at least). It was her mother's rule, They all wanted to keep her hidden from the limelight. She was fragile after losing her father and Jules. Herve was the sun to Y/n, and everything revolved around him. She truly was daddy's little princess. Pascale knew that Y/n probably wouldn't be able to deal with the public scrutiny. But due to the way everyone's schedules worked out this year, Y/n had to join them on the saturday before, which just so happened to be the Hungarian Race weekend.

"There is literally 9 months between us, we're as close to being twins as siblings who aren't twins can get"

"That doesn't make sense, my little princess"

Arthur took Y/n's bag and led her out of the airport, hood, sunglasses and face mask on. This is what Arthur called his 'incognito mode". The two bickering siblings got into Arthur's car.

"So just a heads up, maman wants us to go straight to the track because Charles has quali this afternoon and he wants you there"

"Why Turtur, can't I watch from the hotel? There'll be so many photographers and journalists following him around."

"LP, you'll be fine. Don't panic okay."

The two youngest Leclerc siblings arrived at the Hungaroring, and the first thing Y/n saw were masses of people surrounding the paddock entrance.

"Tur, I really don't like this" Y/n said as she climbed out of the passenger seat. Arthur held out his hand to his sister, pulling her into his side. The small act made Y/n feel safe. However, she couldn't get over the people screaming out, taking photos, flashing lights. People asking who she was and why she was holding her brother's hand. Of course they didn't know he was her brother but still. Arthur didn't let Y/n go until they were through the Ferrari doors and ushered her into the garage, where the rest of her family were gathered.

"My beautiful little princess, you're so gorgeous" Pascale screeched running at her daughter.

"Maman, she needs to stay alive to still be breathing"

"Yeah Maman, let the child breath"

Y/n purposefully ignored her eldest brothers, making Arthur and Pascale smile.

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