Fight II

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Colby's POV

One week, one whole week has passed since I completely embarrassed myself. I regret everything I said, I regret everything I've done lately, I regret making Y/N feel so bad. I honestly don't know what has happened to me, I don't understand myself. I have both ruined for myself but mostly for Y/N, I don't understand how I could do that. But there has been so much lately. Lots of work, me and Sam have argued a number of times, everything just goes wrong now. My whole self is disappearing, it feels like the stress is taking over me. It has ended in me falling back into my old habit. Go out drinking, come home late and don't give a damn about anyone else. That's how I was in the beginning, when me and Y/N met.

She came into my life just at the right time, she was, no more like she is the savior in need. She has always been there for me, even though I treated her like crap. I don't deserve her for a penny.
If I could only turn back time, I would have changed a lot. But that's not possible, so the only thing I can do now is find Y/N and explain everything to her, that's the least she deserves.

I have called her more than 30 times for sure and sent lots of texts, but no answer. I understand her, but I really need to talk to her.


I can't believe it's been a week since I last saw and talked to Colby. I miss him incredibly, but I'm not going to let myself fall for him again. He acted like shit.
I want to go home to our apartment again or if
I can even call it home anymore.
Colby has called and sent text messages several times and it usually says "I miss you, I'm sorry for what I did. Please forgive me. Please come back home❤️"
Same shit every day, if he wants me back he has to try a little harder.

I check my phone because I got a message. Sure enough, it was another text from Colby. But this time it said something completely different.
"Hi Y/N❤️ I love you very very very much❤️I know I acted like crap to you, I'm mad at myself for letting myself act like that. I miss you so much, I miss your laugh, I miss your voice, I miss your hugs, I miss EVERYTHING about you!❤️ Please come home, it doesn't have to be long but I want to explain everything to you! I love you Y/N❤️❤️"

Wow that was something different, the best thing I could do in this situation is actually go to Colby. Not for him, but for me to get an explanation as to why he behaved the way he did.

I got out of bed, put on sweatpants and threw on a hoodie over the t-shirt I was already wearing. I put on some light makeup and put my hair up in a bun.
Walked out to the hall, put on my slip-on vans and hopped in the car.

It wasn't a long drive to Colby, from my sister's apartment. As I have lived there the past week.
After 5 minutes of driving I arrived, I got a little pulse and felt like I didn't want to go in first, but I gathered the courage to go through the gates and took the elevator up to the fifth floor. I got out of the elevator and went to 'our' apartment. I knocked, but Colby didn't open so I felt the handle and it was open.
Strange he doesn't usually leave the door open. I stepped in and immediately I see Colby lying on the couch on his back, looking up at the ceiling. He doesn't make a single sound, you can barely hear his breathing. I slowly walked towards him and sat down on the floor in front of him. With my back leaning against the couch.

"Hi Colby" I said to see if I got a reaction from him, but I didn't. So I just sat there waiting for something to happen, for him to say something. It was for that reason I came here, or maybe because I missed Colby's company as well.

Minutes passed, nothing happened, it was so quiet you could hear our hearts beating. But somehow it was nice to just sit there and think.
Then I felt an arm put on my shoulder, Colby's hand reached down to grab my hand, I let him. Our fingers interlock with each other.

"Y/N, I'm sorry for the way I treated you. If you would let me I can explain everything" Colby said in the softest voice I've ever heard from him. I tilted my head back to look up at him, he looked down at me.
"Every time I see your eyes I just get more and more obsessed with them" he said, looking deep into my eyes. A reddish rose color started to creep up on my cheeks so I lowered my head and looked down at the floor.
"Thanks and yes I'll let you explain"
"First I have to start by telling you that I love you and always will, I'm never going to leave your side, only if you really really want me to. I will always respect your choices. I'm sorry for how I acted towards you, but lately a lot has happened and I'm sorry I didn't talk to you about it from the beginning. It all started when me and Sam started arguing over
ridiculous things. It went on all the time, then our fans weren't happy with the last few videos we posted. Disappointing someone is one of my biggest fears, so I got stressed about it and put a lot of pressure on myself. Instead of speaking out about this, I chose to go back to my old ways. Or at first I thought it would only happen once but then it just kept going, I really couldn't stop. That led me to push you away. Which I regret enormously, you really don't deserve it. I hope you can forgive me and we can work things out. I love you so so so much I can't let you go" Colby said as he sat down next to me. I looked up at him and saw the remorseful look he had in his eyes.

"Thank you for explaining everything, I appreciate it. Colby you know you can always talk to me, I'll always be here"
"I know, sorry I should have talked to you"
"Colby if you promise to always talk to me when you have a problem, then yes I'll forgive you"
"I promise" he said and put his hand on my cheek.
"Can I kiss you?"
"Yes" I said.
He slowly pulled me towards him and put his lips on mine. It was a soft kiss, with a lot of feeling. I could feel how sad he was. Colby pulled away, his hand still on my cheek.
"I love you Y/N Y/L/N"
"I love you too Cole Robert Brock"

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