Chapter Eight

Começar do início

The butterfly said, "Well, I was hoping to go see Dot today. We were gonna get more water for you."

"Sounds good to me," Fang replied. "Just be careful, alright? Not to sound like a broken record or anything. I just..." he trailed off.

"You're just worried about me," Daisy finished for him. "I know. I'll be back as soon as I can!" With that, she walked away. Fang watched her go. Sighing softly, he went back into his den. Though try as he might, he couldn't really stop thinking about Daisy. Not necessarily because he was worried about her.

Fang couldn't get her out of his mind. The thought of her made him smile. A real smile, too. Not a big monstrous grin like when he had too much flies' blood. He couldn't even remember the last time he ACTUALLY smiled. Sitting down in his recliner, Fang got a piece of paper and a pencil. He sketched a picture of Daisy's face, still kind of smiling as he did so.

Meanwhile, Daisy had met up with Dot. The ladybug was down by the stream with a few other ladybugs, drinking some of the water. "Daisy!" Dot said, hugging her friend. "Good to see you again!"

The butterfly jumped up and down. "Guess what, Dot? Fang's helping me learn to fly! I can make it a bit off of the ground now."

Dot smiled. "Oh, that's wonderful dear! Pretty soon, you'll be flying high in no time!"

Sage hopped up. "Hey, hey! I heard someone's new wing is working!"

Daisy hugged Sage, chuckling. "Well, almost. I still kind of need practice."

The grasshopper patted her on the shoulder. "Almost is good enough for me. Anyways, I got you a gift! Close your eyes."

Daisy laughed, doing so. "What is this, Sage?" She felt something small placed in her hands. "Alright, now open them!" Sage said. When the butterfly opened her eyes, she saw a small turquoise stone fastened on a silver chain. "Oh, a necklace!" she cried. "Thank you so much, Sage!"

Sage beamed. "Just something for you to remember us by when you go south for the winter." Daisy's smile faltered a little. "Oh, right. I...forgot about that," she said.

Dot noticed her change in behavior. "What's wrong, dear? Was it something we said?"

Daisy looked down, unsure what to tell them. "It's just...I've gotten so attached to you guys in the short amount of time I've been here. I don't know if I want to leave."

Sage hugged her. "Hey it's ok, Daisy. When it gets cold over there, just come back here! We'll be around, right Dot?" Dot didn't say anything at first. Then she said, "Maybe."

The grasshopper stared at her. "What do you mean?" he asked. Daisy seemed confused, too. The ladybug's countenance was downcast. Finally, Dot responded.

The Spider and the ButterflyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora