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Weeks had passed, but it felt like seasons to Lana Pearson. Each week felt like it brought new weather. Most of her days were spent either working at the mining office or spending time at the Oriental with Doc Holliday and the Earp brothers. She had grown close to the men, especially Doc. He was her escort around Tombstone most of the time. She found it amusing, as she used to feel like his shadow, but now he was hers. The man had grown more fond of her than he would've liked in the short time they had known each other, though he wouldn't admit to such a thing. Their evenings were filled with nocturnes from Chopin and Beethoven at the piano. Her playing skills rivaled his but he found her a worthy companion to play with for hours on end. He was still one with the bottle but seemed to lay off of it a little more when Lana was around.

She had gotten out of the office later than usual, the sun already setting on the horizon. It resembled the scene from almost a month prior when Lana had first gone to the Oriental, the large star bleeding into the clouds again. The mine wasn't far from the main stretch of town. The stagecoach ride was short and convenient, stopping just short of Allen Street. As Lana stepped out of the coach with the help of the driver's hand, she looked down at what she wore. It was a simple ensemble, a blue skirt and ruffled white shirt with a brooch Doc had picked out for her. She briefly wondered if she should go back to her room to change into something nicer than the clothes she worked in.

It's already dark. That'd be a waste of time.

Her stride was relaxed as she walked into the saloon, undoing the bun her hair was in. Her curls dropped effortlessly on her shoulders like ashes. The Oriental was like a second home to her now. She was familiar with all the barkeeps and locals that frequented there. The place was alive that night with couples already dancing near the bar, laughing and drinking as they socialized amongst each other. The surrounding noises made a hum of vibration below her feet that put her in a giddy mood. The crowds were the same every night, yet more different than the last. The faro table was empty but Lana knew the Earp brothers would be arriving soon, the sun having just set. As for Doc, he was usually early and waiting at the table. Lana looked around curiously for his lanky figure when she spotted him at the piano.

She could see the top of his blessed head beyond the figure in front of him. The woman faced her, leaning against Doc's back, her eyes closed blissfully and her head lulled back on his shoulder. She seemed to listen to him play sensually. Lana didn't even have to wonder if it was who she thought it was. In a matter of seconds, she felt so small and lost, like she had been slapped in the face or punched in the gut.

Mary Katherine "Big Nose Kate" Horony was gorgeous. Wavy red hair and strong feminine features complimented her full red lips, rouge painted on her high cheekbones. The dress she wore was of black lace, adorning her body carefully from head to toe. She was definitely older than Lana, making her feel even more microscopic and insignificant. Lana wasn't far from the two of them, so she could hear a conversation transpire between Doc and a cowboy named Billy Clanton. She watched the corner silently as she remained frozen in time, her heart breaking.

"Hey," he called to Doc as he sauntered over near the piano. "Hey. Is that Old Dog Tray? That sounds like Old Dog Tray to me." He was clearly drunk, his stepping off center with his person.

"Pardon?" Doc said, his tone giving off his annoyance with the interruption, although he continued to finger the keys in front of him seamlessly.

"You know. Stephen Foster. Oh! Susanna. Camp-town Races. Stephen-stinking-Foster," the man continued, walking around the piano and leaning his arm over the top of it. Kate was unfazed, her eyes still closed as she lightly swayed with Doc's movements as he played the instrument in front of him. Lana wouldn't have been surprised if the woman was Aphrodite herself.

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