Charlie's Wedding

Start from the beginning

She stood in front of the mirror in her bra and thong playing with her trying to decide what to do with it. Yn quickly let go off her hair and locked the door as she heard people run down the stairs past the door laughing

She finished doing her hair and was about to put her dress on when she heard a soft knock on the door, "occupied"

"I know, can I come in?" Fred's soft voice asked through the door as she unlocked it, he walked in and locked the door behind him, he watched her quietly as he lid his arms around her waist and she brushed strands of hair out of her face

"Mmh you look beautiful" Fred hummed

She stood there for a while as he placed his head against her back quietly as she debated in her head weather or not to tell him she was pregnant

"Hey Fred" she sighed softly as he lifted his head up and looked at her in the mirror

"You ever thought about having kids?" Yn asked with a little smile as she leant back into

"Yeah..." Fred smiled resting his head against hers softly before speaking again, "I always wanted two twin girls, a little girly one and a bit of a tomboyish girl"

"Aww, that's a bit cute Weasley" she giggled as he hummed in agreement, "Fred.... I'm pregnant" she said softly as she waited a couple seconds for his response

"Omg, really?" He asked as his eyes lit up in excitement

"Yeah" Yn smiled as he hugged her happily as she giggled at his excitement

They finished talking about as he got most of his excitement out and said goodbye to help finish helping Charlie in the tents

After the ceremony it was getting dark so everyone was in under the tents partying and congratulating Charlie and Joyce

Halfway through the night Yn had split of from Fred and the rest of their group and ended up talking to Tonks who had turned the conversation around to Yn being pregnant some how

"How did you even know that I was pregnant" Yn whispered to Tonks

"Wait who's pregnant" George asked confused joining the conversation

"Someone, no one, doesn't matter" Yn quickly replied

"Wait is someone pregnant or not and who is it?" Harry asked confused asked as he came out from behind George with Ginny

"What's going on?" Remus asked walking over to the group with Bill and Ron

"Noth.. someone's pregnant and they won't say who" harry explained cutting Hermione off who also joined into the conversation

"What, who's pregnant?' Ron questioned confused

Everyone stood there for minute looking at each other and all the girls waiting for someone to say something

"Tell the truth, who's pregnant, it doesn't matter, no one is going to get in trouble or anything" Bill said braking the silence

"Yeah, whoever it is, just say it, it's fine" George said as Fred walked over and stood next to George and Bill

Tonks and Yn looked at eachother for a minute, then Yn gave her a worried face and bit her bottom lip back before going to speak

"I... Me, I am, I'm pregnant" Tonks explained cutting Yn off so she didn't have to tell everyone

Everyone stood there for a second as Remus, Hermione, Ginny, Fred and Yn gave her a confused face

"I'm pregnant" Tonks said again "just don't go around and tell everyone or anyone out of this group, please"

Everyone congratulated Tonks and Remus then walked off to dance among everyone else as Yn, Fred, Tonks and Remus stayed there

"Um... Wow, ok......" Remus said rubbing his head, "sorry, this is a lot for one night"

Yn grabbed Remus and Tonks by the arms and dragged them both outsideas Fred followed behind, where no one else was

"What's goin.... Tonks isn't pregnant" she explained as Remus tried to say something

"What? Then who, what?" Remus said confused

"I am, I just didn't want to tell everyone and I was talking to Tonks about it then everyone just started joining the conversation" Yn explained

"Then why did you say you're pregnant Tonks?" He asked still confused

"Yn only told Fred this morning and they didn't want to tell everyone yet, also I felt the baby kick when I hugged her earlier and she was explaining it when everyone started joining the conversation" Tonks explained

"She took the blame so that we could tell Molly and Arthur before someone else did by accident" Yn explained

"Hold on, how many people knew you were pregnant before I did?" Fred asked confused at the conversation

"We'll Ginny and Hermione found out the night I did, and Tonks realised this morning, so three people before you" Yn said before the other two congratulated them and walked inside the tents again

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