Camerons gay awakening + Alex + way too much dialogue I copied from the movie

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Alex POV:

David, Juliet and I are on a party thing right now. It's a charity thing for children, which I didn't know before coming here. I wouldn't have given them my money if I knew what all of this was about, I hate children.

„Listen can we talk about something?", David asks.

Juliet and I are having a lot of fun and are giggling around, while David just sits there being depressed, as always. He keeps trying to talk to us about something, but all I care about right now is having fun and not listen to whatever David has to say.

„Not now, I have an idea", I say as I pour our champagne in the glasses we built a tower out of.

„It's important. We need to decide-"

„Will you stop worrying?" I say.

I take the glass on top of our tower, raise it in the air and say: „To love and to happiness forever!"
„Forever and ever!", Juliet says while taking a glass for herself before taking a sip.

„What's wrong?", I ask David. He didn't take a glass, that's why I asked.
„I wanna talk. Now!", he said.
„Not until you've drunk to love and happiness forever", I say, not really meaning it. I just want him to forget whatever he wants to talk about. It's a stupid location to talk about any serious stuff anyways.
„David, I promise we will just keep him happy!", Juliet said. I get a little annoyed.
„It's not for me, it's for love and happiness forever!", I say. Why would you not drink for love and happiness?

David finally gives in and takes a glass for himself. He takes a sip as well while looking at me annoyed.
I look around the hall as I spot a certain redhead I can identify as Cameron. One of the people we interviewed for the room in our flat.
„Look over there", I say, pointing at him „It's Cameron!"
Juliet and David both turn their heads in Cameron's direction.
„Hm?" comes a noise from Juliet.
„Cameron, you remember Cameron", I answer her.
„No, I don't"
„What is he doing here", I ask myself.
„That's not him!", Juliet says, probably trying to prevent anything embarrassing from happening.
„Cameron! Cameron come on over here!", I shout, trying to get his attention.

He turns around to look for who called his name. He has a bucket with roses in his hands.
He smiles at me while walking over to our table.
„What?", he asks.
„Nothing, we thought you were someone else", I say to him.
Juliet immediately starts giggling. Cameron looks super annoyed by what I said so I shout a „Good luck!" at him while he's leaving.

„Haha, I love that guy but why does he have to follow us around?", I ask my friends, Juliet still giggling.

„Anyways, what I wanted to say was this-", David starts to say once again, this time not being interrupted by Juliet or me but by a guy who appeared next to him. He starts talking to Juliet, interrupting David.

„Aha, the divine Juliet! Long time no see", he said.

„Brian", Juliet said. I remember Brian, he is the one who keeps calling her.

David looks super pissed by now.

„Do you care to dance?", Brian asks Juliet.

„Hold on mate, who do you thing you are?", David says finally.
„Who do you think you are, you interrupted us."
„Well I'm Brian McKinnley and who are you?"
„Well Brian McKinnley if you want to talk to my girlfriend you have to talk to me first"

David is now standing up, looking Brian straight in his eyes.

„If you want to dance with her, you apply in writing three weeks in advance or you're gonna end up in a fucking bin bag! You didn't apply so you don't dance!", David snaps.
Brian actually left. I am at loss for words, I've never seen David so pissed at someone that's not Juliet or me.
„I think you could be a little more forceful next time", Juliet says. She is now standing next to David, one hand on his shoulder.
„I'm sorry", David says confused.
„No, no I think he got the message!"
„That was quiet stressful, I found that quiet stressful", David says while cleaning his glasses.

I get up and lay my hand on his other shoulder, just like Juliet did moments before.
„Yeah but you were good! He was really good, ‚fucking binbag, I liked that!", I say. "You really explored your maleness to the fullest!"

"You think so?", David asks.

"Well he certainly had a agood look around."

"You were magnificent!"

We all start laughing. I am relieved to see David laugh. I havent seen him actually happy in what feels like forever.

"Fucking binbag"


I make my way to the toilet after some time, still going on about the fact that David threatened that Brian guy to put him in a binbag. Man my guy David can be hillarious.

I finish my business on the toilet and as I open the door to the stall I am in I see Cameron and two guys standing behind him in front of me.

"Cameron! What a surprise!", I say, barely being able to even finish my sentence. Cameron is looking at me, starts smiling weird and practically breaks in my toilet stall. He starts punching me in the face for a reason I do not know yet.

I am guessing his two buddies are still standing outside the toilet. I cant see them because the stall door closed after Cameron came in to beat the living shit out of me.

His first hit went straight at my nose. Hes holding me at my collar with his left hand while pushing me against the wall. His right hand keeps punching my face.I dont fight back though since I am way too drunk already so all I am able to do really is look at him.

My eyes wandered from his jaw over to his eyes. He seems to notice that because his hits where getting less. He looses his grip from my collar a little but not fully letting go of me.

From what I can feel I am bleeding from my nose. My lips are slightly parted and sweat is dripping from my forehead.

He stops hitting me completely and starts to stare into my eyes. This goes on for a good minute until he starts doing something again. He lifts his right hand, the left still on my collar, and places it on my cheek. His left hand now finallly let go of my collar and makes its way up to my other cheek.

I look at him confused but before I am able to say anything he kisses me. I suddenly get back all my strenght I didnt have a minute ago and start kissing him back.

He seems to notice what he was doing and backs away from me. He looks at me as if he had seen a ghost or something before pracically sprinting out of the bathroom stall.

"Hey wait, I found that interesting!", I shout, not getting an answer, obviously.

I finally make my way out of the bathroom stall as well. I go to the sink, wash my hands and look in the mirror.

"Oh god I look horrible", I say as I notice the damage Cameron did.

I dry my hands and start to go back to where David and Juliet are.

"Please dont ask questions but I think we should go home", I say at our table.

"Thank god", David says while grabbing his things and walking past me.

1285 words

sorry for any spelling or grammar mistakes pfff

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2022 ⏰

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