grocery shopping

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Davids POV:

Mondays. I swear to god I hate Mondays. It's the day of the week where we have to go grocery shopping.
We agreed, that everyone had to go shopping on their own and we switch every week. For example: first week I would go shopping, next week Juliet and the week after that is Alex' turn.

That didn't quiet work out because Juliet and Alex decided to go shopping together and telling me I had to go the week after where it would be Alex' turn.
Now we agreed that we have to go shopping together every Monday to avoid me getting bullied, even though they probably don't care about my feelings anyways.

Alex, Juliet and I are sitting at our dinner table right now, trying to write a shopping-list, which is very hard with two idiots.
„No, I am not writing down coal. Why would we need fucking coal? We don't even have a grill, or even a garden", I say annoyed.
„But coal!!", Alex screams.
„It's important David! We never know when we'll need it", Juliet now chimes in.

Trying to avoid the two sitting in front of me I am writing down things we actually need in this household.
„Okay I think I am done", I say „Please lets just go shopping I want to get this done with as soon as possible."

I put on my coat and shoes, grab the keys and make my way out of the flat, Alex and Juliet right behind me.

I get in the drivers seat of Alex' car while Juliet and Alex sit in the back of the car.

The drive takes about ten minutes, which is ten minutes to much in a car with these two.

At the grocery store we get a trolley. Alex immediately jumps in and Juliet pushes him around. I try to get as far away from them as possible so no one would think I am connected to them somehow. I still try to get things in the trolley though.

„Oh, we need this!", Alex says as he puts two big bags of protein shake powder in the trolley.

„Alex seriously, none of us even does sports! We don't need it and it's super expensive", I say.

„But David, its vanilla flavored!", Alex answers.

„Out. Now", I try to get him out of the trolley, or even the store, knowing he'll probably stay and annoy me even more.

After a while of me running through the store and collecting things we need, I finally found everything I put on the list. Now I just need to find the others. They left with the trolley a while ago and I couldn't bother looking for them.
So I make my way through the grocery store, looking for my friends.

As I walk into the alcohol section I find Alex, slowly putting a 3 liter vodka bottle in the trolley in which he is still sitting in. I get over to him, take the bottle out of his hands and put it back onto the shelf.
„Where's Juliet?", I ask him.

„I don't know, she left me here a few minutes ago", he answers me.

„Okay get out of the trolley now, I want to pay for the stuff now", I say.

He actually listens to me and gets out. Juliet also joins us again.

We walk up to the register and put our things on the counter. Alex and Juliet run out of the store, while I stay on the register. The cashier scans all our things while I put the already scanned items in the bag I brought with me.
I look up to the cashier as she scans the last items, which were a cucumber, three packs of condoms and a big bottle of lube. Alex and Juliet must've  put them there before they left.
I smile at the cashier awkwardly, not even trying to explain what that is about. She looks at me weird, so I put those things away as fast as possible, payed for it and left the store. Juliet and Alex were already sitting in the car.

I put the bag into the trunk and make my way to the drivers seat.

„I really hate shopping with you guys", I say while starting the car.

Alex and Juliet just start giggling in the back seat. I hear them opening some bags of crisps.
„Why do you have to open the stuff now, can't you wait until we get home?", I ask, not getting a reaction from them.

„David can we go to McDonald's??", Alex asks me loudly.
„No, Alex. We spent way to much money today"

Luckily we just arrived at our parking spot. I get out of the car, get the bag from the trunk and make my way up to our flat.

I hate them.
But also not.

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