Chapter 6

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"We are gonna be late, mr Duke."
"You occupied the bathroom for an hour, Grand Magus."
His tone was everything but respectful.
Then he finally came out of the toilet.

Vera was standing near the door with a long black dress, with long sleeves, but backless and a red purse in her hand (the same red of her lip-stick, actually).
She was amazing.

"Is something wrong, mr Duke?"
"No. Absolutely not. It's just... I'm worried I might disappear near to such beauty."
A shy smile appeared on his mouth.

Vera tried to hide a grin.
"Well, you are not bad-looking either."
Hamish made an half smile, appreciating her attempt to compliment him.

After a few seconds of awkward silence, Vera spoke.
"Now. We should go, or we'll be late."


A car was waiting for them out of the hotel, as planned.
When they arrived to the house it was already full of people walking in and out the huge house.

Women in long dresses and elegant men were drinking sofisticated cocktails and waiters were walking around with trays full of other glasses.

The first thing Hamish could think about was how rich this Magus must have been.
And how rich Vera must have been if her salary was higher than his.
He glanced at her.

She was looking around with a smile that he saw just a few times: a real smile.
She wasn't smiling because she was near important people or because she had to be kind: she seemed truly happy of being there, she seemed to be feeling home.

"Vera! I'm so happy you made it!"
The temple Magus made a little run towards them.
Vera turned his way.
"Thomas! It's beautiful to see you."
"Oh, it's great to se you too! And you are stunning! My dear you look wonderful!'
"Thank you, Thomas."
Thomas touched her harm.

Hamish could see she was getting a little uncomfortable, so he gave another cough to bring some attention on him.
"And you brought your colleague too!"
"Ehm, yes. Thomas, this is Hamish Duke. Mr Duke, this is Thomas Clark."
"Nice to meet you, sir." Hamish held out his hand and Thomas shook it a little reluctantly.
"I'm happy to meet you too, boy".

God, just because he wasn't as close as him to the pension, it didn't mean he didn't deserve respect.
He never liked that guy, anyway.

Vera saw his disappointment.
"Uhm, actually, mr Duke is a magistratus..."
"A magistratus? At such a young age? Boy you must have fucked some very important people!"
Vera choked on a sip of her drink and started coughing.

"Oh darling, are you ok?"
He touched her shoulder.
Hamish stepped in the middle of the two of them and Vera put a harm around his neck, pulling herself up, while he placed his hand on her back, to help her.

Thomas raised both of his brows.
"I'm sorry. I'm afraid a misunderstood. I didn't realize you were a couple."

And that was the second time of the day.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2022 ⏰

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