Chapter 1

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"Are you ready?"
"This is not the first time I do this, Vera." an exasperated breath ran out of her mouth as she looked at the dark-haired woman in front of her.
"Fine! Then act like that."

Kepler was about to replicate when someone knocked at the door.
Vera opened the heavy wood door with a fluent movement of her hand.

A good looking man was standing right behind it with a drink in his hands.
"I'm sorry for disturbing you, Gran Magus, but I thought you could use a drink. After all, it is 5 o' clock somewhere outhere".
A grin appeared on his face as he said these last words.

"We are actually very busy, and-"
Vera interrupted Bitzy's complaining:
"A drink of yours is always welcomed mr Duke!".
Kepler tried to say something more about the 'rude' interruption, but the Grand Magus was already taking her drink from the acolyte's hands with a bright smile.

Although the annoyed expression on Kepler's face, Hamish Duke stayed in the office for a good fifteen minutes more, talking to Vera about some drinks and spells Kepler didn't know or care about.
She stared at Vera trying to catch her eye and let her know that was really enough speaking, but all she could do was looking at her colleague smiling maybe too much at a disciple, who couldn't stop staring at her...


"He was staring at your boobs!".
The incredule voice tone didn't affect Vera's impassive mask at all.
"You are being ridiculous Bitzy"
She was trying to concentrate on her paperwork but Kepler didn't seem interested in shutting herself up.

"I can't believe you are not doing anything about that."
Kepler was now walking around the office with no exact destination.
"You make it look like something incredibly terrible"
"And you make it look like you are ok with a disciple staring at your boobs! Or worse: you make it look like you like that a disciple stares at your boobs.".
"Alright, first of all you need to stop shouting the word "boobs" around my office. And I'm just trying to say it's not a big deal. Also, I'm pretty sure you are wrong: Hamish Duke would never stare at my boobs... god that sounds horrible even if I am the one saying it.".

"Vera, I know what I saw, and I know what he was looking at. So, I really hope you are going to do something ab-"
"As you wish, Bitzy: I'll talk to him. Now, if you don't mind, I have lots of work to do."
She opened the door.
Kepler rolled her eyes and walked out of the office.

Vera sat at her desk again.

How annoying could that woman be?

She started working from where she interrupted, but the thought wouldn't let her concentrate anymore.

Was he staring at her? Seriously?
Why should he do it?
He could find way better girls to stare at, if he really didn't have better to do.
So, why?

Hi guys! This is the first book I write, and it is a whole new experience for me.
I love The Order and especially Vera and Hamish (as you may have noticed), so I decided to write something about them.
Well, I hope you appreciate this story!
Let me know if you like it!!

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