Guilia Gwinn (Syd) ~ unnoticed pt 3

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As I entered, Lena was still fast asleep, like probably everyone in this hotel. But all the sleep I had yesterday left me quite energetic that morning. So I quietly got ready before tiptoeing out of the room and down the stairs into the lobby where I let the receptionist know I was gone for something like half an hour. After that I stepped out of the hotel and started jogging, what else were you expecting? I first started really slow, warming up a little and exploring the streets of england as well as the park near our hotel. And like always my mind started roaming just by itself. Analyzing the situation I was in. This was my first big international competition and still, I didn't feel nervous at all. Well, I was quite nervous about being in a new country and playing for the national team, but it was a good feeling. The anxiousness from yesterday morning was completely gone and I was just excited. I was exited about meeting my english friends again, I was exited to represent Germany and I was exited to make many new experiences. People would say I didn't take this serious enough and maybe they'd be right at some point but this was just the way I grew up. Of course we all wanted to win, but the most important thing was always to have fun, because after all, it was a game that we played. And I just wanted to enjoy my time here. And I was quite proud and happy that my mind let me do all this without the overthinking and anxiety.

At some point I reached the hotel again and stepped inside before greeting the receptionist again. After a quick look at the clock I slowly made my way upstairs and as I walked along the floor I heared the shuffling behind every door, everyone trying to be quiet so they wouldn't wake the others in other rooms even if they were all awake. I entered Lena and my room to find her sitting on her bed scrolling through her phone, completely dressed. She looked up and smiled softly.


I nodded. ,,We should get Laura and Syd, I think they aren't up yet.”

Even if Syd was my big sister and kinda motherlike at times, she is still one of the most chaotic people I know. Same for Laura and Klara. So you can only imagine how they are together. For example had Sydney a list hanging in the cabin, with things she had to bring to away games, her head was written down there in red underlined and everyone would always make fun of her, even if she didn't write it down herself and most of the team would use the checklist their self. But that just described how chaotic this team was. It was hilarious and just wonderful.

We made our way over to my sister's room and as expected she and Laura were still asleep, so we woke them up before going downstairs into the dining hall. Nearly everyone was already seated and while Lena went to a table on the right side of the room, I went to the table near the buffet where Guili and some others were sitting. I took a seat next to her and leant my head onto her shoulder. Not because I was tired but because of the lack of comfort I noticed since I left her bed this morning.

,,Hey, you okay?”, she asked sweetly and I nodded while snuggling closer to her.

,,Yeah you?”


She laid an arm around my shoulders as slowly the last people came in as well as Sydney and Laura who both sat down opposite of us. Minutes went by, we ate and joked around before it was time to go to training. But before we did so, Guili took me aside with a nervous look on her face.

,,You sure you're okay, Guils?”, I asked with a little worry in my voice. But she just nodded.

,,Yeah I'm sure. I just.. wanted to ask you something.” Breaking the eye contact, she looked at her fingers and brought some more distance between us, probably hoping I wouldn't notice, but I did anyway.

,,Look at me.. I'm not going to bite.”, I grinned cheekily to loosen up the tension between the two of us. And it worked as she laughed a little, looking at me again.

,,Well, Avery, I really like you. And I just wanted to ask you if you would want to go out later today..?” I grinned widely at that and nodded.

,,I would love to.”

She smiled happily back at me before bringing me into a hug. That was going to be a great international break.


Weeks went by and with them the euro. The final was harsh and hurtful but I was happy for Georgia and the others. Lina had scored but since a lot of us, like me as my ankle got injured while I got tackled, were out we just hadn't the people out there to get the second goal. It was heartbreaking but after all it was a great tournament. And besides that my life was on a high. Germany on fire when we came back, I got another three years contract with Bayern and.. Guilia and I got finally together. We went to a couple dates and shared a few kisses. Nothing more. But nothing more was needed. So we kept it for us, hidden from the public and hidden from the world. Only Lena and Sydney knew, probably Georgia when we all came together again in munich since Lena wouldn't be there. I don't know if Guilia told anyone. But then again, we didn't set any rules; we were together, loyal of course, and no rules had to be set. It just wasn't needed, we knew what we wanted and it was very pleasant to know the other wanted the same as you.

Everything was just the way it should be.


So here's the last part! I had to remind myself that these are one shots so I cut it short. Butttt, I have so many ideas you can't imagine. So I will do a different person for every idea that's why I don't know who's next but whatever you'll see. Everyone's requests will come you just have to be patient. So, tips and requests are welcome I'm going to write the new chapter now. Byeeeeee.

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