Chapter One:

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Authors Note: contains spanking of a child. Don't like don't read.

Kyla (8 years old)

Matt Casey was sitting on his couch watching a basketball game on the tv while his little sister laid leaned against him reading a book. There was a knock on the door so Matt patted her arm and uncurled himself from her standing up to see who was there. When he opened the door he was shocked to see Gabby after the argument they'd had that day. "Hey" "hey Um come in" "thanks" they walked into the living room and Kyla looked up from the couch before returning to her book without a word. "Care to greet our guest?" Matt gave his sister a pointed look making her look down before looking at Gabby and smiling "hi gabby" "hey kyla" gabby turned to Matt with a look that said she wanted this conversation to be had in private. He gave her a slight nod before turning back to kyla "hey kid why don't you go take a shower and get ready for bed" Kyla looked up at him before checking the time and then looking back at him "it's not even seven" Matt gave her a look that begged her to please just cooperate but given her stubborn nature that of course wasn't in the cards. "Kyla just do as I say please" Kyla rolled her eyes and stubbornly went back to reading her book. Matt looked at Gabby and sighed "I'm sorry give me a minute please" she nodded and slinked off into the kitchen. Matt walked over to his sister and plucked the book from her hands causing her to whine in protest. "Bubba.." "No ma'am. I asked you nicely twice to do as you were told. Now unless you want me to take my belt off I suggest you get your butt upstairs and do as I asked. Am I clear" "yes sir" kyla got up from the couch and headed upstairs but not fast enough that Matt didn't pop her on her way. "Ow" "don't come down until I call for you" "yes sir" Kyla decided he may be able to tell her to go upstairs but he couldn't make her shower and get ready for bed. Sure he'd taken her favorite book but she had plenty more. She flopped on her bed after picking a new book and started reading. She got lost in her book and didn't realize how late it had gotten. She was brought back to reality by her brother clearing his throat. She looked up and smiled at him but was met by a stern glare. "Whatcha doin" "reading" "I can see that. What I don't understand is why it appears you haven't showered and gotten ready for bed as I asked..." "I'm sorry I just got distracted I'll go shower right now." "Don't even try it. You have had far to many warnings tonight." Matt walked over to her and grabbed her arm before she could run for the shower. He sat down on her bed and pulled her to stand between his knees holding her by her wrists. "Look at me kid" kyla couldn't bring herself to look at him so he used his hand to lift her chin and saw a tear starting to roll down her cheek. "Why are you getting this spanking?" "Because I didn't do as I was told" "mhmm and how could this have been avoided?" "If I'd taken a shower and gotten ready for bed before reading" "exactly. You know I hate this kid but you've gotta stop fighting me at every turn" "yes sir im sorry Bubba" Matt just sighed as he stood up and led his sister to lay over the bed. He unbuckled his belt and pulled it through the loops causing her to start crying softly. He steeled his emotions and placed a hand on her back to hold her still while using the other to bring the belt down. After three licks in a row kyla was sobbing openly and trying to reach back but Matt was prepared for this and held her hands to the small of her back and squeezed them tight. "Hold still" "it hurts" "it's supposed to hurt now hold still before you lose your shorts" kyla stopped fighting him and he laid down seven more licks before releasing her. She curled onto her side sobbing while Matt retread his belt. As soon as he did he sat down next to her and rubbed her back. "It's over kid. Next time please just do as your told and we won't have to do this again" "yes sir I'm sorry Bubba" "I know kid" Kyla moved to crawl into his lap and Matt let her wrapping his arms protectively around her. He kissed her head and sighed knowing he needed to talk to her about their mothers request that she come visit her but not wanting to. He pushed the thoughts out of his head for now and checked his watch and saw it was already past her bed time. "Come on kid go take a shower it's late" "will you still tuck me in?" "Of course go get ready and then come find me when your done" "okay" Matt left her to shower and headed downstairs where Gabby was sitting on the couch. He tossed her a smile heading to grab a beer. He sat down next to her and they watched the game in a comfortable silence. About twenty minutes later Kyla wandered down the stairs. She looked shocked to see Gabby was still there and then looked down embarrassed knowing she had heard what happened upstairs. Gabby smiled at her "hey kyla" "hi gabby" "you ready for bed kid?" "Yea but I just wanted to come say goodnight" "okay come on I'll tuck you in" "no it's okay your busy" Matt noted the sad tone and sighed. "Kid I told you I'd tuck you in and I meant it." He sat his beer down and headed over to her. "Say goodnight to Gabby" "night" "good night kyla" Matt pulled her into a side hug as they walked and lowered his voice "hey kid none of that. I'm not too busy for you and you know it" "I just didn't know she was still here" "she is but that doesn't mean anything. You come first kid. Always will" he led her over to her bed and held the covers up so she could climb in. He tucked the comforter tight around her and leaned down kissing her head. "Goodnight kid. I love you" "love you bubba"

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