"IM GOING TO HIDE IN PLASTIC BEACH?!" I asked jumping up

"HELL YEA." Murdoc said

"ok ok, but what about tonight?"

"You will perform once more, I'm not that dumb enough to let you stay after wards. I know they will be out in the crowd so make sure to stay near me at all times got it?" Murdoc asked

"Got it." I said holding onto Stuart not realizing how close we are. The tension  between was throbbing. My lips were so close to his face,  I look at his lips and he notices. I tease him by moving closer but then backing away. He smiles and looks away.

"AND YOU! Wha the bloody hell do ya think you are doing wrapping your hands all over her?! DOn't you got a girlfriend or shit?!?" Murdoc yelled pulling stuarts hair.

"ow!-" Stuart yelped rubbing the back of his head. 

"ow my ass! Stay away from her!" Murdoc yelled at him. Ugh this drove me crazy!!

"Come here Stuuu pot!!" Paula said reaching for him. She knew everything yet she was playing dumb. She was of course happy Murdoc though they were still together. 

"Paula I can stand up by myself..." Stuart ignored Pauls hand and stood up looking at me once more. He then sat back down. 

"why'd you lie?" Murdoc said

"what do you mean?" I asked looking at him. Stuarts eyes shot back up and us.

"Why'd lie about dating faceache? He's really not all that. You don't need to make me jealous or anything." DID THIS PICKLE REALLY THINK I WANTED TO MAKE HIM JELOUS?!?! I WAS SO MAD BUT I HAD TO KEEP IT COOL.

"I-i-i- dunno...I guess I just wanted you to notice me more..." FUCK. Why did I say that. No no no no no.

"You wanted me to notice you eh?" Murdoc placed his hand on my thigh squeezing it. I take a deep breath and put my hand over his removing it.



Sweet satan my plan kinda worked! She actually wanted me! She wanted to make me jealous by saying she was with faceache THAT TWAT! Pfft like if she would ever date a guy like him. Once I get that machine to work I'm taking Y/n with me. No one else just me and her in Plastic Beach. No need for faceache to ruin anything, she doesn't want him, she wants me. 

Y/N's POV:

"WE ARE HERE!" Murdoc parked in front of the studio, I actually did miss it. I looked into the woods where our hideout is. Ah the memories kept flowing in!! Everyone  fully unpacked which took like 30 minutes but we did it!.

"What time does the show start?" I asked at the dinner table while everyone ate pizza.

"11:30 p.m" Murdoc said with a mouth full of pizza.

"ok!!" I stuff my face and drink my lemonade. Once I was done eating I head to the loo to do my business but when I come back Stuart was gone. My eyes scanned the whole kitchen but he wasn't there. I didn't want to ask anyone though because then Murdoc would catch along so I just decided to look outside. Stuart was sitting outside the porch. 

I creep beside him and sit down, he looked at me with blank eyes.

"why'd yew tell me ta say no?" he question me with a melancholy tone. I knew exactly what he was talking about

"Stuart, look, he will hurt you! If he knew he will kill you! He will make you suffer." I said grabbing his hand.

"I don't care Y/n! I don't care if et hurts me ta be wif yew...I feel so isolated wifout yew." Stuart holds my hand tighter 

"I-im sorry Stuart, but I really can't stand you suffering just being with me. Murdoc is fuckin crazy." I said standing up. I then helped him up and we both made out way into the woods finding the old wooden ladder. Oh how I missed this feeling so much. Stuart laid his head on my lap while I played with his hair.

"Promise me tha' one day we won't have to hide anymore. tha' we will be able ta love each other wifout being scared." Stuarts words made me realize how he was right, we were both always so isolated yet so connected with one another. There was something always in the way but yet we were always found here in each others arms.

"I promise." I whispered while kissing his forehead. He got on top of me and placed both of his hands on my face kissing me passionately on the lips. 


1,283 words!!!!! I hope you luvs are doing okay! Alsooooo just being curious but that are your guys favorite gorillaz songs? Top 5 songs?? ANYWAYS STAY TUNED!!💙

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