Chapter 16

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Mwende POV

We came back from mission and I got busy and started panicking, am almost out what am I going to do with my life after campus.

One evening Mutei called me in tears. I was so worried my friend has never cried once for those years have known her what is it that can make her cry.
When I reached her room I was so shocked. The Mutei I found was not the one I knew , always put together, radiating joy, no I found her in a heap on the floor a crying mess.
I rushed and pulled her to my lap. "What happened sweetie, please talk to me."
" Am going to hell Mwende am going to hell.!!"
"No you are not, what is going on please tell me, I will pray for you, remember our God is merciful."
" I am pregnant! ,,, Laugh at me now, do it Mwende."
" Why would I sweetie, you are my friend and don't worry all is going to be okay."
" It was a temptation at first, we had sex last semester and I repented, it happened again and I felt so dirty I couldn't even pray. When we met we were walking the journey well but after the first slip up it became hard to stop. I broke up with him before we went long holiday for I couldn't continue like that I was dying. I don't know whether his conscience was clean or not but I couldn't so after we came back, during the mission and the first two weeks after we resumed this semester he tried to win me back but I couldn't go through that again so I told him am going to be busy in the Christian union serving God and I won't have time for dating.

I was vomiting regularly during the holiday but I never thought I could be pregnant but today I looked at my stomach and was surprised I had stretch marks and it was big than normal. I panicked, I bought a pregnancy test and it came out positive. I don't know what to do."
I just hugged her and rocked her from side to side as she cried. What could I say. After she was calm I took her to the bathroom she washed her face and we sat on her bed.
I prayed for her and I told her she should tell him that she is pregnant she can't go through this alone unless he decides he wants nothing to do with them. She begged me to be with her as she called him .
"Hello," " hello Mutei are you alright?"
"Can you come over I need to tell you something."
"Okay am on my way".
Maybe I should go so I can give you privacy. But she begged me to stay with her until he came. So we started talking about different things until he arrived and I excused myself. I told Mutei to call me in case of anything whatever answer he gives her to call me.

I went to my house wondering what kind of a friend am I, I never realized Mutei was struggling, I never knew she was not in the right standing with God . If Mutei was not able to handle Godly dating, could I? Maybe there is a reason why God did not allow Mr right in my life yet. I went to my room while praying for Mutei. May God be with her forgive and give her strength in this trying moment.

What do you think will be the reaction from Mukei's boyfriend.
Do you think he will deny it.

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