The lady of love

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I didn't want to be out here anymore. I ran home as fast as I can. As soon as I reach the house there was a woman in front of my house she was a white haori. With some type of uniform on however showing a lot of skin, the lady had pink hair that faded into light green in plaits with green eyes. " oh you must be y/n L/n" the lady said with a warm smile. With a confused look, I said "Yes how did you know my name and why are you here" She started to walk up to me but stop a couple of steps away from me. "My name is Mitsuri Kanroji and I was friends with your sister." Said Mitsuri with that same warm smile she had before.

"What do you mean sister died a year ago because of her job," I said confused why she was talking to me about my sister. then she said something that shocked me. " That's true she died when she was fighting lower moon 1 but before she died she ask me to take it up and teach you to become a demon slayer". She said that with an upset look. I look at her in shock I didn't know that was her job and how it was really dangerous. "Come on we must hurry before people see us" I didn't really trust her but I did what she said only for my sister. I step into my room and go to a bag and start to put stuff in it like my kimonos and some stuff that I own that I didn't want to leave behind. I also grabbed some food since I didn't know how long we were going to be walking.

I slowly walked out of the house to see mitsuri waiting for me with a lovely smile again. We both start to walk along the road while the sun started to come up. We have been walking for around 1 and a half when mitsuri stopped and said "Well to the love estate if I didn't tell you I'm the love pillar which is the highest rank in the demon slayer core. As we walk into the estate it looks pretty normal. My thought was cut off when I heard mitsuri say "Follow me, and I will show you to your room." I she started walking so I quickly follow her. Stop at a sliding door and spoke in a soft voice " This is your room" She opened the door "I hope you can make yourself conceivable but I have to go to a pillar meeting so I will see you when I get back I'm so sorry I have only have just been told today" and start to walk away leaving me in the room.

The room was a normal size with a desk and wardrobe and a futon rolled up need to the wall with a big window in front of me showing a lovely view of flowers and hills. I walk in and put my bag to the side and open it and start putting my kimonos away and other bits of clothing there were some kimonos and haori which was a light purple with a note on it that said to my dear sister I'm sorry to leave you but hear haori and I promise I will always watch over you. I had tears start to stream down my face so I put the haori back and put my other kimonos away. I walked over to the desk and opened my dag again and book my diary in one of the drawers with some pens then I put so some of my jewellery in the other one then I put 3 photos up. One was a photo of me and my family together before everything went downhill. Another one was me and sister then the last one was me and him. Genya...

3 hours later

I waited in the room mitsuri gave me I heard a voice saying "Y/n I'm home and I bring some of my friends for you to meet. they are nice I promise "This was mitsuri voice so I got up and started walk out of my room shutting the door behind me and walking down the hallway. Oh, Y/n come and meet everyone.

Hi, it's me I just wanted to say that if you have ideas that you think could go well in the story please comment also I'm not sure what breathing I should use if you have any ideas please do tell it would mean a lot to me. bye for now <3

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