Chapter 18: Sleepover!!!

Start from the beginning


  Chuuya woke up and blinked his eyes awake. He squinted, seeing a blurry outline of something in front of him.
  He stifled a yawn as he tried to rub the sleepiness from his watery eyes.
  His eyes widened as he realized he could see. Unfortunately for him, his first full sight was of Dazai, who was seemingly still asleep.
  Early morning light spilled into the room, brightening the room enough for Chuuya to see everything pretty clearly.
  Chuuya looked back over to Dazai's peaceful face. He was going to check the clock but realized he would have to get over Dazai to see it.
  Chuuya sighed quietly as he tried to pull his hand away from Dazai's.
  Dazai's grip tightened, "you can see now, right?" He hadn't even opened his eyes to speak.
  "You're awake?" Chuuya asked.
  Dazai nodded, "you're so easy to fool, Chuuya."
  Chuuya grimaced, "whatever."
  Slowly, his sight became clouded again until it was completely gone.
  Chuuya scowled as he angrily pulled his hand away from Dazai's, "I'm blind again."
  Dazai sighed, "this is going to be a while, then..."
  Chuuya sat up, feeling annoyed.
  Dazai moved into sitting as well. He sighed again, "looks like we'll be spending a lot of time together."
  "Ugh," Chuuya groaned, "this is so annoying."
  "Hey, your eyes are back to normal," Dazai said as his voice got closer and his hands cupped Chuuya's face.
  Chuuya, as if defending himself, quickly took Dazai's wrists.
  "Sorry," Dazai chuckled, "that was a little abrupt, huh?..." but he didn't move away.
  "Yes," Chuuya said roughly, trying to get Dazai to let go.
  "Fukuzawa can't help you." Dazai said, suddenly.
  "... what?"
  Remaining still, holding onto Chuuya, Dazai elaborated, "his ability only works on people employed by the agency."
  Dazai could see Chuuya's mood physically drop from his complexion, but he didn't say anything.
  Dazai sighed, "feels like you did that for nothing now." He said it sort of like a question.
  Chuuya nodded slightly. "Could you let go now?..." he started feeling very uncomfortable.
  "Eheh-heh," Dazai laughed mischievously, "no."
  Chuuya forcefully pulled Dazai's hands off of him, "let go."
  "Aw, you're no fun," Dazai said with a disappointed tone.
  Chuuya rolled his eyes, "what time is it?"
  Dazai paused, "hmm... why should I tell you?"
  "Because I can't see. And you're right there."
  "Mmm, that's not a very compelling reason," Dazai said teasingly.
  "What the-"
  "What time do you think it is?" He asked.
  Chuuya paused, "I don't know... maybe seven or eight?..."
  Dazai chuckled, "see you didn't need me to tell you."
  "Which is it? Seven or eight?"
  Dazai giggled, "you figure it out."
  "I hate you." Chuuya folded his arms.
  "Love you, too~" Dazai sang as he stood up.
  Chuuya grimaced and grumbled to himself about how he absolutely hated this.
  Then, the door opened.
  "Good morning!" Elise said as she came in.
  "Good morning," Dazai said back as he pulled his coat back on.
  "Did you save our princess yet???" She asked excitedly, "have you kissed him?!"
  Dazai laughed, "you can't rush this, Elise. My magic is the kind that takes a while."
  Elise huffed, "Aw man. I keep telling you that true loves kiss is going to work so much faster!"
  Dazai chuckled, "no, no. That'll still take a while as well, I'm sure."
  "Nuh-uh!" Elsie put her hands on her hips haughtily, "it'd work super quick!"
  Dazai's shook his head, clicking his tongue, "sweet, naive, Elise. Every Prince's magic works differently. And mine can't ever seem to work fast enough."
  "Really?! It's all different?!"
  Chuuya groaned and he fell back onto his pillow.
  "It seems like our princess is a little grumpy this morning," Dazai chuckled.
  "That's because he wants you to hurry up and kiss him!" Elise reasoned with what seemed to her as the only rational answer.
  "I do not!" Chuuya said quickly.
  Dazai laughed, "see, Elise?"
  "See, Elsie" she said in a mocking tone under her breath.
  "But I'm sure my magic would go at least a bit faster if Chuuya didn't hate it when I touch him."
"I don't hate it when you touch me- it's- it's just you make it weird!" Chuuya said frantically.
  "Oh~ so Chuuya likes it when I touch him~" Dazai walked back over to the bed.
  "Don't you dare put your filthy hands on me," Chuuya moved back.
  Elise giggled and started chanting, "do it, do it."
  Dazai laughed as he put his knees on the bed.
  "I will hit you." Chuuya warned.
  "Aww, but I can't say no to Elise," Dazai faked a sincere tone.
  "I don't care. Stop-"
  Dazai wrapped himself around Chuuya, hugging him tight.
  Chuuya groaned, disgusted, "let go of me already."
  Dazai squeezed harder before letting go and moving back. "You really want me to kiss the princess?"
  "Yes!" Elise shrieked in delight.
  "Okay, if you say so~"
  "Dazai, I swear to-"
  "Geez, calm down, Chuuya." He took Chuuya's hand, "no need to get so hot and bothered by it."
  Dazai then pressed his lips to Chuuya's hand with an over-exaggerated, "mmmmmmwah!"
  Elise narrowed her eyes at Dazai, "that's not what I wanted and you know it."
  Dazai laughed, "sorry, couldn't help myself."
  Chuuya sighed in annoyance and a bit of relief.
  "Come on," Dazai stood, pulling Chuuya's arm, "we should go get breakfast."
  Elise folded her arms, "mean Prince Charmings don't deserve breakfast."
  "Then maybe I won't kiss the princess-"
  "Prince Charming gets breakfast!" She yelled as she ran out.

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