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Quick Author's Note- I have proof read through this story more times than I can count at this point, yet still seem to find new mistakes, so if you ever find a mistake in my writing feel free to point it out, nicely of course. Now on with the story:

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'Avengers unite 'cause we've got to here you say; I could do this all day!'' I sighed to myself thinking about all the things I'd rather be doing than watching this low budget show. Like I understand that people like Steve Rogers and stuff but honestly, he'd be embarrassed if he saw this, like voluntarily go back into the ice embarrassed. The fake Natasha flips onto the stage and does a kick thingy and I feel my heart ache a little. It's been a year since she died but it doesn't make it any easier. She was my favorite aunt; well, she was my only aunt but I digress.

I notice my dad seemingly blank out watching the fake Natasha dance across the stage and I was going to say something but Lila beat me to it. They have a small conversation before both turning back to awkwardly watch the show and I'd honestly laugh at their expressions if I wasn't sporting the exact same one. A few seconds pass by and I notice his attention get caught by something a couple rows in front of me and I look to see a little girl dressed up as Natasha. He looks back to the stage to wear fake Natasha was dancing and singing and I watch him shift in his seat, knowing exactly what was going on in his mind. He leaned over to say something to Lila before getting up and leaving.

I lean over to Lila and whisper, "Watch the boys, I'm going to go check on Dad." She nods so I get up to follow him. He walks into the bathroom, so I just wait outside until he comes out and then follow him outside to wear he squatted down in the sidewalk trying to calm himself down. "Dad," I say quietly as to not startle him, "Are you okay?"

He looks up at me and says, "Yeah, yeah, I'm fine, Alex. Just needed some air that's all." He puts on a fake smile but I can see right through it.

"None of those people in there know what she meant to you; how important she was. It's hard for me too," I tell him, "You don't have to go back in there, we can tell the kids that you got sick or something and had to leave early."

This time he gets a genuine smile on his face, "Why do you always call them the kids?" he asks chuckling, "Those 'kids' are your siblings."

"Because they're so young compared to me," I say like it's obvious.

"That doesn't mean you have to make it sound like they're your children," he chuckles.

There's no time to retort because Lila comes out and says, "Hey, are you okay?"

"Oh, hey, yeah. Yeah, yeah. I, uh, just wanted to come out for some, uh some fresh air, is all," he responds.

"You know it's fine if you don't wanna watch the show. I mean, I know everyone misses her, but she was your best friend. It's..." she trails off looking at him.

"Come here, baby," Dad says pulling her into a hug. "You know," he whispers to Lila, "You said almost the exact same thing as Alex over here."

"You're just not original," I tease, punching her shoulder lightly.

"This whole thing is pretty ridiculous, isn't it?" Dad asks us.

"A lot ridiculous," Lila says.

"Like a shit ton ridiculous," I agree.

"Watch your language," Dad tells me, mostly joking.

"What?" I complain, "I'm 23. And Nate's not even out here. And I could've said a fu-"

He puts his hand over my mouth and tells me, "If Nat were here, I'd kick her ass for teaching you how to curse." Lila and I both look at him with amused faces because he just said 'ass'. He seems to get why we're looking at him and says, "I'm the parent here. I can say what I want."

Bullseye ➢Kate BishopWhere stories live. Discover now