Chapter One: Lunch With My New Friend

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The air in my chest was escaping through my mouth as I was running down the halls.
“My first day and I'm late?!” I thought to myself, “If I didn’t stay up last night maybe I would have been on time!” My thoughts were so much that I didn’t know I was going to bump into someone. Boom! I bumped into someone and they fell on to the floor, I fell too shortly after. We looked at each other then I noticed the book he dropped.
‘The Teenage Boys Guide To LGBTQIA+’. I looked at the book and picked it up to give to him. He looked kind of nervous when he saw me looking at the book, I understood why. He was deeply in the closet and didn’t feel comfortable telling anyone and I could tell by the looks of it he wasn’t coming out anytime soon.
“I’m so sorry about that,” the boy stuttered. I helped him up and took a glimpse at my watch. Class was going to be over in fifteen minutes, I already had the day off to move into my dorm but I wanted to go to class instead today, I guess I could just skip this class.
“I’m Jonas,” I said to the boy. He also introduced himself, his name is Parker. As I looked at the watch I noticed that we talked for five minutes. I told him that he should probably get to class and he agreed. He walked back to his class and shortly after the bell rang. I looked at my schedule and saw my next class, art . I didn’t know where I was going at all.
“I should have asked him where the class was, now I’m lost,” I said to myself. As the hallways were crowding I found him. I went to him and asked where the art room was and he looked at me for a second. He walked with me to the art room and even went inside with me. He then sat down at a desk like everyone else. I was pretty confused since he wasn’t in this class. The teacher told me to sit next to him.
“Oh that’s why he was sitting down, he was showing me where to sit,” I thought to myself. I sat down and he still didn’t leave. I didn’t notice until I looked at his schedule. He is in my class! I couldn’t believe it, we are definitely going to be friends.
I was really excited but I should work before anything fun atleast that's what mom and dad always said… I’d rather not talk about that. After class was over we headed to our lockers.Our lockers were right next to eachother consequently, it was lunch so we were getting our lunch boxes. I brought my calico cat bento box with sushi as the main course, sticky rice on the side, and a chocolate chip cookie for dessert. As I sat down, Parker came over and sat right next to me, he had a sandwich with a bag of chips.
I felt bad since he only had that, so I showed him my chocolate chip cookie. His stomach was growling even though he pushed it away.
I set it in his lunchbox and told him, “I have plenty of food so you can have it.” His eyes sparkled like that was the best thing to happen to him.
He looked worried then asked, “Did you see the book?” I froze for a minute, trying to figure out what to say without scaring him, and I especially didn’t want to tell him about me yet. It would be really awkward to walk up to someone and say, “Oh, nice to meet you, i’m Jonas and i’m gay,” that would be really uncomfortable to the person who said it and the person would feel nervous and not know what to do.

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