Chapter 2-Anniversary

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You'd gotten pretty used to living in the home over the next year. You'd fit in with the other children perfectly, despite being much older than them, in a sense. You enjoyed teasing Miss Smith and Miss Peregrine with them, they were rather adorable.

"Emma! Emma! Emma! Emma!" You yelled as you ran through the yard towards the girl. You nearly ran into her, stopping last second and shaking the girl by her shoulders. "I just checked the calendar. Why has no one mentioned what today is?!" You shook her harder until she pulled away from you.

"Geez, Y/n, calm down. You talking about the lovebird's anniversary? They don't really like drawing too much attention to it." Emma shrugged, brushing herself off.

"Shut your trap. We're making them dinner and wishing them a happy anniversary if they kill us!"

"But they will..."

"ONWARD!" You grabbed her, running off to gather others to assist in the cooking process.


Miss Peregrine walked into the kitchen later that day to find all of her wards there. They turned to her, slowly saying nothing as you each stared at her while subconsciously continuing with their tasks. She seemed concerned as she looked around. "What's going on here?" She narrowed her eyes at the group.

Emma and Olive both stepped forward, smiling as the each linked arms with Miss Peregrine and walked the confused woman out of the kitchen with no further explanation. You could hear her yelling each of their names from down the hall.

They'd handed her over to Opal, hoping her wife would be able to keep her from the kitchen as they got back to work. Though Miss Smith just laid back in bed, bored and getting increasingly annoyed as Miss Peregrine paced the length of the room muttering to herself over what you could be planning. 

"Love, just lay down! I'm sure they'll explain soon." Opal groaned, throwing a pillow at the shorter woman, who didn't even look up as she caught it.

"Why are they cooking? What if they burn the home down and I can't do anything to help because I'm in here? I need to check on them!" She moved to walk to the door, only to have Opal grab her by the wrist.

"I'm sure they're just trying to surprise you, now lay down, and relax." Though the woman wasn't actually trying to calm her wife. She was doing it for her own reason, she wanted peace and quiet. It did however work and Alma sat down, and though still clearly agitated she didn't continue speaking.

Eventually you came upstairs to get them. "We've prepared dinner." You said, grinning.

"Food that I don't have to cook? It is a good day." Opal was happy to accept the gesture, glad to not have to help Miss Peregrine cook.

Alma wasn't as happy to accept the assistance. "I could've cooked as normal, you didn't have to go through all the trouble." She spoke as the three of you walked downstairs. "I'd prefer not to draw attention to our anniversary anyway."

"Ah, I almost forgot that's what day it was. Feels like a normal day.." Opal muttered to herself.

You and Alma chose to ignore her as you entered the dinning room, taking your usual seats. You side beside Emma and Miss Peregrine. On Alma's other side was Miss Smith. Dinner was nice and calm for once. There was a bit of conversation but it was all uncharacteristically civil.

At some point Alma linked her hand with Opal's under the table. Though her wife pulled away soon after, the smile that was on her face a moment before vanished. The shorter woman let out a small sigh and continued eating, though she picked at her food more than she normally would.

"Is it not good?" You asked, noticing her lack of appetite. "I'm sorry, I'm not the best cook."

"No, no, Y/n, nonsense. The food is impeccable. I am just regrettably not very hungry." You narrowed your eyes at the woman, sensing there was more to her story but not wanting to pry.


I ran out of ideas so I decided to just end the chapter at 666 words.

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