Be my hero (K.S.💗)

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Kaidou's little brother is Toki Kaidou.That is his name if I remember correctly.Anyway enjoy!!

You are visiting Kaidou!
You love your best friend but sadly the chance of ruining your friendship is high so you just ignore the feeling.

You knock on his door and it gets open by...nobody?
You look down to meet a mini version of him.

„Kaidou? Is this you? Did the dark reunion make you a little kid"you gasp as a joke.

Suddenly the door gets closed again and you can hear the little boy run away.After a while Kaidou opens the door for you and apologizes for Toki's behavior.

Oh so that's his name...

You just chuckle and go in.
He leads you into his room and you see many action figures,books and comics.
You really like his room and you wish that your room wasn't that boring.

„Nendou said you have porno magazine.Is that right?"you ask him.
He turns red and stutters that he is wrong and that he would never do that.
You just smile and pet his head.

„I know I'm just messing with you."you giggle at his reaction.
You both sit down and begin to study.


After two hours of studying you lay on his bed exhausted.You can hear the door being opened but you just lay there doing nothing.

Toki go out!"you hear him say.
You stand up as fast as possible and run to the little kid.You pick him up and hug him tight.

„Awww you're so cute!!! You look just like Kaidou"you kiss the little boys cheek.
(not in a weird way.More like as a big sister!)

He just pushes you away and runs to his brother.
„Who is that?"
„This is my classmate and best friend Y/N"he introduce you to him.

„Oh the girl you are always talking about.Didn't you say she's your cr-"before he could finish his sentence he gets interrupted by Kaidou.

„Okey that's it! Out !!"he shouts at his little brother.

„But I want to play hero and villain!"he whines.
„We have a lot to do and I don't think Y/N likes-" „sure we can!"
Kaidou looks at you shocked but happy.

Toki is the villain,Kaidou is the hero and you are the princess (princess/name).
You two play for a while till...

„Take This!"The villain attacks you.
You dodge his attack and run away.Suddenly you see the hero jet back wings coming for you.He takes you by your waist and points his hand at Toki.

„Now it's your time to die!"he shot a laser at the villain.The villain is laying on the ground defeated and Kaidou still has you in his arms.

„AND NOW KISS!"Toki cheers.
„W-what?"you both turn red.
You both look at each other and Toki is still shouting at you two to kiss.
You both lean in and share a little kiss.

Toki runs away while you two look at each other.
„I-I love you"Kaidou confesses.
You smile and grab him by his collar.
You smash your lips into his and you both move in sync.

You were right.The friendship is ruined because now he's your boyfriend.

Shitty ending I know I know
But I hope you still like this cute Oneshot <33

Words: 558

𝐒𝐚𝐢𝐤𝐢 𝐊. 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐎𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐒𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐬 Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu