Mansion Troubles and Angel Discussions ♡

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*ahem* "I mean, no. I'll at least try them later."

Wow. You did not expect him to snap at you. Stanley pulled out a chocolate chip cookie and took a bite out of it. He smiled and closed his eyes in delight as if he enjoyed the cookie. "Mm, this is really good!", he said with an enjoyed tone. N looked at Stanley eating the treat and pulled out a cookie from his own goodie bag. He took a bite and of course like Stanley, he was in delight.

"Glad you enjoyed them. Granted I did not make them, I bought them, so..", you admitted but Stanley and N did not care.

Six looked at the bag in his hand and he was not sure if he should try your cookies. I mean like I said, you are human and he is an unknown creature. "Six, aren't you gonna try some?", Stanley asked, pointing out at the uneaten cookies.

"I-I said I'll try them later!", he answered with a somewhat grumpy tone.

"How about we play a game?", you suggested. "What game?", N asked you with a curious tone. You thought for a bit......

Then you had a wicked idea...

You didn't want to do some games like Truth or Dare or Two Truths and One lie (apologies to all people who like both those games-). So you decided to play a game you and your dad would always do.

"Do y'all have any apples?", you asked to the Alternates. "Uh yeah..In the kitchen. But why?", Six asked with a confused tone.

"Oh..It's part of the game!", you answered as you skipped your way to the kitchen. You grabbed an apple and quickly ate it until the fruit became a core.

After that, you skipped your way to the living room where the Alternates were. "An apple core?", N pointed out.

"Yep!", you said with a cheerful tone as you were hella excited for this game. "So what's the game about?", Stanley asked you with a polite and curious tone.

After a long but understanding explanation, the three inhuman creatures nodded as they understood how to play the game. They all stood up right in front of you. You held up the apple core.

"Apple core!"


"Who's your friend, Stanley?"



You immediately threw the apple core at Six's biscuit face, making N, Stanley, and yourself laugh. The black hooded creature looked at you with anger on his face.

It was Stanley's turn and he held up the same apple core that you threw. You all played the same round again but this time Six called out Baltimore first and of course he chose you, causing Stanley to throw the core at your face. Stanley, Six, N, and you laughed. This was starting to get fun.

After a lot of rounds, we decided to play one last round before we rest. It was N's turn this time to throw the apple core.

"Apple core!"


"Who's your friend, Six?"


He tried to throw the apple core at you.


Only to accidentally throw it at "Gabriel" who came in.

"Gabriel" looked at you and the others with confusion and anger in his eyes, making N and Six point at each other while Stanley watched with wide eyes.

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