Chapter 13

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"You got to be fucking kidding me," he mumbles. Malcolm and Ron looks at him.

"What's wrong?" asked Ron.

"You are not going to believe who's here," gulping down the entire Tequila Sunrise.

"Who," They both said at the same time.

"Darrin, fuck. I need another drink."

Ron and Malcolm start looking around the bar for Darrin. Finally, they get to see him in the flesh. "I bet I can guess which one is him before you do," Ron told Malcolm. Malcolm cocked his head towards him and smiled. "Oh, you are so on," rubbing his hands together.

The bar was extremely packed right now, but that didn't deter them from trying to find the mysterious Darrin. One by one, they both pointed out different men only to have Montez say no. Finally, on the verge of giving up, Ron sees an attractive man sitting in a booth with a beautiful woman. The suit he had on along with the Rolex on his wrist screamed money. That's got to be him.

"I think I found him," he announced. "The guy with the navy blue suit in the booth with the woman in a red dress." Malcolm turns around to look.

"Congratulations, you found the asshole," Montez said nonchalantly.

"Ha ha, I win Malcolm, in your face boyyy!" Then he starts singing.....woman in redddd.

Malcolm rolls his eyes. "Well, I can see one reason why you don't like him. I'm not into men, but he's a very handsome man with a sophisticated aura," Malcolm pointed out.

"Ikr, I'll fuck him and I'm not even gay. That's a type of man that will turn your ass out," said Ron.

Montez and Malcolm looked at him with their mouths open. "This fool tripping," says Malcolm.

"If I don't like him, it's not due to his looks it's because he is an entitled, arrogant and inconsiderate prick," Montez said angrily.

Malcolm stares at him, "are you talking about him or yourself?"

"Fuck you, Malcolm." That's when Montez notices Darrin walking towards the restroom. Just about every woman is drooling as he walks past them. He's not all that with their thirsty asses. He takes the opportunity to look at the woman he's with. Damn, she's fine. He wonders what the rest of her looks like. He needs a closer look. Montez gets up and walks toward the table.

"Hey mane, where you going?" asked Ron. "I know damn well he is not doing what I think he is."

"Doing what," Malcolm looks behind him. "What the fuck?"

Montez approaches the table. He checks the woman out from head to toe. I knew she had a nice body. "Good evening, I'm Montez and you are?" The woman looks him up and down and smiles.

"I'm Johanna"

"Such a lovely name for a beautiful woman," he held his hand out.

She blushes, "thank you," and shakes his hand.

"Are you here alone? He so full of shit lol.

"No, I'm actually here with a friend, sorry."

"Dont be beautiful. You're worth the risk, but if your friend is not to your liking, give me a call," handing her his card. Enjoy the rest of your evening." He makes his way back to the table when he spotted a cutie. Since he was too busy checking out the woman; he wasn't paying attention and bumped into someone. "Hey, watch where you," before he could finish his sentence the man standing in front of him is Darrin.

"I believe it's excuse me," Darrin informed him.

"Pfft, I will suck a cow's titty before I say that to you. Get out of my way!"

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