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It's kind of dejavu for Maya the moment stranger disconnected it's been two days since call from Hawaii.

After thinking for three days she again called her mobile from sia's phone.

"Tring Tring"

Ryan here how can I help you

You jerk give my phone back to me

Darling how can I return your phone
When you don't even know me

You fucker come to Hawaii and give me phone otherwise i will sue you to death.

Darling i will fly to Hawaii but not only to return your phone but to fuck you

You Asshole i will kill you now.

Your wish is my command darling

You perv

Haahaaaa Iam Ryan here nobody dares me huh

If you want your phone then come to Chicago and date me and take your phone back.

I will never come

Call beeped

The number you are calling is busy please call again later.


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