"I wanted to beat you in a battle to make you realize that I don't need you. But since you were weak back then, it would not have been a fair fight. So, I trained you."

He thought of the day he met you at that deserted park. Why was he remembering that now? You said he helped you that day and stayed with him. When some extras were bullying you for your quirk.

Then...when he saw you with Deku.

He was furious that day and it still made his blood boil till this day, but why?

"Tch. You look up to me?" he scoffed "Don't make me laugh. You only say that because you think I'm an idiot and keep you around me." He turned around, looked to your eyes who were holding back tears and "I'm not going to let anything and anyone get in my way. So, leave."

He was holding back a lot more than that, yet he said it all. It was too much for him to even tell you the primary cause for his frustration. So, he went into his house and left you there without saying anything else.

He locked himself in his room, not even paying attention to his parents asking what happened.


Why is it every time you get closer to him, there will always be something to make him push you back again?

He got inside and you just stood there. You took a deep breath and headed towards your house.

"Is everything alright, Y/n?" your mother came up to you, noticing the sadness on your face "Did something happen at school?"

"No, I just..." you said trying not to zone out while talking to her "Um...I need to be alone."

You took a direct flight to your bedroom. You leaned against the door, slid down to the floor, and sat there, your breath trembling. Your eyes welled up with tears, and your chest felt heavy. You hated this feeling. You hated the way he perceived you.

Just a stumbling block in his path.

You let it all out, ignoring your parents' aggressive knocks on your door. After an hour or so you stopped but the pain on your chest was still there. For the rest of the day, you barely got out of your room. Before you knew it, it was night time already. You went downstairs to the kitchen to eat something, so you wouldn't be with an empty stomach, since you didn't even have lunch.

You couldn't sleep. Your thoughts were keeping you awake. Thankfully the thought of you having a brother somewhere is this world- or maybe not anymore- was distracting you from Bakugo. How were you going to find him? Unless you have another memory, you have nothing about him. Not his name or appearance. Just his existence. That is, assuming he is still alive.

At around four am you fell asleep out of tiredness, but had to wake up pretty early for school.

U.A. 's Hero course curriculum required regular classes, like English, in the morning. In other words, boring ones. Lunch was at the main cafeteria, where you could buy gourmet food for reasonable prices, and then, in the afternoon, we finally had Hero Basic Training.

Bakugo acted as if you were invisible all day. You accidentally kicked his chair and didn't even bother to give you a side glance. You were more invisible to him than Hagakure herself. Not even making eye contact with you. Nothing.

You were chatting with Izuku, when you heard footsteps outside the class. "He's coming." You spoke.

The students gave you a confused look, but before they could say anything, the door slid open and the one and only no1 hero, All Might, came through the door with his usual big and honestly kind of creepy smile.

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