"Remember how you made fun of me for wearing large glasses and brackets?" She asked.

He had no idea what she was saying, especially since he didn't recall her.

Ekim rolled her eyes, returned the gloves to the sink, and took out her phone. She then displayed an image of herself. She was noticeably different. She appeared to be a different person.

Furthermore, he began to recall her. Melisa enjoyed humiliating her back then because she had no one to protect her because of her poor background.

Furthermore, he never intervened and even made light of her appearance. She, too, vanished one day and hasn't been seen since.

"Kanat, it was a pleasure to meet you. But, as you can see, I'm busy."

Kanat returned to his table, stunned, while Hazal gave him a smile that said,

"I told you so."

Despite the fact that she said they were in the same class, he had never seen her in class. And he made a point of attending to each of them in order to see the fiery girl he met in the café.

After a few weeks, he still hadn't seen her. She wasn't even in the café.

"I thought she was going to our school. Where is she?" Kanat inquired of Hazal as she placed his coffee in front of him.

"She is. She is simply really skilled at making herself invisible. I never see her if she doesn't want to see me. Imagine how it feels when your friend decides whether or not to show up."

"What about the café?" He inquired, still scanning in every way for her. Unfortunately, she wasn't there.

"She changed her schedule. She works from eight o'clock to midnight, while I work until eight o'clock.

Was she trying to avoid him? Why? He was kind, cheerful, and, most importantly, charming. What went wrong?

"Kanat, she hates rich kids. I only became an exception because she one day saw me looking for a job. She offered me to work here. That's why she behaves differently with me than she does with you."

Kanat waited till eight pm to pass just to see her, and he did. With a ponytail and an oversized hoodie, she came to the café. She didn't seem to notice him at first and quickly went to put an apron around her body.

He went to the counter and lightly knocked on the wood to get her attention.

"I'm coming." She reassured him before putting her bag away.

"What can I get..."

Her smile she had on her face instantly dropped as soon as she saw him.

"What are you doing here?" She asked rudely. Her arms automatically crossed, her eyebrows raised, and her gaze was annoyed.

"I wanted to see you."

"Well, I don't." She answered before leaving the counter to go to the kitchen.


He followed her because he knew he wouldn't have problems with the owner of the restaurant. They were good friends, and a friend of the owner, especially a rich one, had some privileges.

"What are you doing? This is not the place for outsiders. "

She was really pissed off, and strangely, he liked her angry side. She seemed more beautiful to him when she was in that state.

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