Niemcy: ok good so as I said I want you to answer truthfully to this question... Where.... Were... You.. Yesterday.....

Shit... How does he know did Japonia tell him. No she didn't even know he was taking care of me and I doubt that they have numbers to each other what do I do know what if he finds it I'm lying I don't want anything bad to happen but hey.... Wait a second... This is my house so basically he can't do anything to me right?

Polska : well ermm.. Funny your asking I just spent my whole day here hahah..

Niemcy: don't... Lie....

He came closer to me and staired at me right in my eyes it started to remind me of what theird reich usually did to me when I lied to him I knew this wasnt reich though this was Niemcy and I know or at least hope that the how to do anything to me to hurt me.

Polska: h-how do you know?

Niemcy: ok if you don't want to answer truthfully I entered your room yesterday to give you the food and you were not there and I panniced until I realised the door was open... That's how I knew you must of have left and you were going to come back later. And sure enough here you are so tell me now your turn....

Kurwa...I have to lie or Rosja and the rest of them will get in trouble too and I don't went them too why did he enter the room though... Ugh... I should of toled him to at least leave the food under the door. Now it's the time to think shit what do I say think think think Polska you can do this.

Polska : well.... Ummm.. I... Why did you enter my room anyways I could of been changing?

Niemcy: you didnt reply when I called your name so you could of as well fainted.

I mean he has a point what do I do know I looked at the time it just 13:20 why does there have to be drama already. I then heard the wash finish Yess that was my saviour from this german.

Polska : oh well I guest we don't have time..heheh .. I mean you heard it I'll have to go get the wash and put it into the dryer byeee.

Niemcy: yeah... Bye...

Yessss I made it out alive he let me go but I know that if I go back I'm dead I have to do something. I'll let Rosja know many he has a idea. After I got the washing our and out it in it the dryer I got the other bag and put all the clothes that I go from there into the washing machine. I started both of them and they started to do their job I decided to put the laundry in as the last thing incase Niemcy catches me. I don't want him seeing all the other clothes it would be suspicious.

Once I got out of the bathroom I went to my room to grab my phone I didn't eat breakfast and already all this was happening please at least give me a pierogi for all this .

I got my phone out of the charger and started to type to him hopefully he would reply soon and lucky I didn't have to wait long.

Angel girl: HELPPP!!!

Vodka boy: WHAT HAPPENED??!!



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