Chapter Two; Where it all began

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Everything went black, when all of a sudden, I woke up to this strange, familiar world... My body felt strange, like this wasn't the same body I was in before... but then I slowly looked at my own hands... They didn't look like regular hands... They looked like...Mii hands... "Did I... get my wish...?" I asked myself. And out of curiosity, I decided to explore the world, when I suddenly came across this strange icon. I slowly approached the icon, and I walked inside of it, not knowing the consequences this would lead to...I suddenly felt a sharp pain in my chest, but this wasn't like the pain I felt when I got electrocuted...It felt...different...And I just couldn't stand it... I look around the place I was teleported to, it looked like a hospital room, because there were hospital beds and monitors everywhere. I looked down at my own clothing and realized that I was wearing a hospital gown. I thought to myself, Was that the delete icon..?

I slowly got out of the hospital bed I was laying in, and I got rid of all the stuff I had on, and I decided to explore this new world, and I realized that there was more to this place. I decided to look inside the other rooms, when I suddenly saw this figure that I didn't recognize. He had the head of a Mii, but his body was robotic, and based on the way his eyes looked, it seemed like that this Mii got corrupted somehow. He looked at me, curiously, I slightly felt scared at the fact he might hurt me, but instead, he just asked me a few questions, and then he looked at the tag I had on my gown. "So YrneH, eh..?" He asked. I slightly felt confused, that wasn't my real name... "What..? No... My name is Brandon..." I replied. He then looked at me differently, like he suddenly felt a fume of rage... He then grabbed me by the neck and started to choke me. At this moment, I realized who this guy was... He was Logan... The man I murdered... He then threw me to the ground. I got up, and I looked around for any defense weapon, and saw a holographic axe that looked just like the one I made. So, I grabbed it and attacked Logan with it. 

There was a mark on his chest to indicate where I attacked him, and after that, he got his claws ready, so I stood my ground... We were about to fight, when suddenly, I realized that the place was glitching out, and I stopped to look around. Logan looked at me, concerned, but I pointed at the glitches. He also looked around, when suddenly, me and Logan felt this sharp pain in our chest, it wasn't as painful as the pain I felt when I was deleted, but it still hurt. And the pain got worse, and we started screaming. When suddenly it all cut to black once again...

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