
Start from the beginning

"Yo! Can I get a margarita?" She yells over the crowd. The bar tender pays her no mind and moves from one man to the next. She turns back to find that Zahra is nowhere to be found. "Fuck!"

"Ayeeee! We got a mystery girl up on the stage!" The DJ announces. "She gettin it!" Imene turns to find her sister up on the crowded stage effortlessly shaking her ass. Someone hands her a blunt as she dances and she throws her hand in the air as she takes a pull and it flows through her nostrils.

"Zahra!" Imene exclaims pushing through the crowded club. She shoves and slides her way to the front of the stage. "Zahra! Get your ass down! We supposed to be in hiding!"

"Get up here, sis! This shit is live!" Zahra says dragging Imene up with her. Imene fights her for a bit before realizing everyone is watching her. She freezes and rushes to push her way past the small group on stage before 'No Hands' starts playing. Imene turns to Zahra who just finished talking to the DJ. She winks back. Imene turns back to the audience and starts bopping her head to the music, she starts to get a feel for it. As her hips move she turns and all her worries go away. She puts her hands down by her side moves her butt in a circular motion, the crowd goes crazy. Imene and Zahra let loose on the stage. People come by and pour drinks from the bottle down their mouths. They have a great time and as the party winds down, people want to know who they are. Eventually the DJ turns the music down.

"Yurrr! I just wanted to give a special thanks to these ladies for making this club extra litty on a Tuesday! The people wanna know who to go to when they wanna get turnt!" He says handing the mic over to Zahra.

"Wassup y'all! My name is Zahra Luv and this right here is my sister from another mister! Ha! Literally!" Zahra says slurring her words every once in a while. Imene immediately sobers up at those last words. She makes her way over to Zahra praying she doesn't have the chance to say what she's about to. But she's too late. "My girl Imene East! Y'all probably ain't peep this shit is in our blood! This is the love child of the King and Queen, Dave East and our mom Layla motherfuckin' Luv!" She says.

The club goes up in murmurs. The DJ plays a record scratch. Just as Zahra reveals this, Ade is walking after looking for parking for the entire duration of their trip.

"Your mom's a bitch! Long live East!" Somebody yells and gunshots soon follow. The club erupts into chaos. Ade pushes in the opposite direction as groups of people run to the exit. He yells for Zahra and Imene, who are both panicking to jump off the stage. Ade watches as a mysterious figure picks Imene up by the shoulders and does the same for Zahra, he says something to them and Ade sees Imene nod. They run off to a door on the backside of the stage and disappear. Ade finally gets to the stage and attempts to get to the door, two men block him.

"Yo! Those are my sisters! Let me back there, man." He pleads.

"Yeah aight. Well nobody gets back here without a go from Tre." One of them explains.

"Who the fuck is Tre?"


"Y'all definitely know how to stir up some shit." A guy leaning in a reclined chair says towards the girls. They sit awkwardly on a loveseat as Tre stares Imene down with low eyes. "Yo, is it true that y'all are Layla Luv's kids?"

"Uh no. Zahra heard some shit and wanted to do something stupid." Imene says taking glances back at Tre. "We not from here so she's kinda tone deaf when it comes to stuff like that."

"Oh aight." The guy says and glances at Tre, himself. "Aye but y'all were wild as fuck up there. To be honest, we aint think lil mama in the orange was gone turn up like that." He says referring to Imene's outfit. She chuckles awkwardly.

"Imene." Tre's voice roars. Everyone reacts accordingly. Imene feels a tingling sensation as the sound of her name coming from him fires through her body. "Right?"

"Yeah. Not- Imene Luv though. Just Imene." She stammers. She's tipsy herself so even the attempt to cover her tracks is an epic fail. But it didn't matter, little did she know, Tre knew exactly who she was and was watching her the second she walked in.

"Let me show you sum'n." He says standing up. He goes out a door without waiting for her to respond. Imene looks back at Zahra, worried.

"Don't sweat it. I got her. Y'all shouldn't be long." The other guy says. He chuckles and it eventually turns into a full on laugh. A cackle revealing his neck entirely. She feels like she can't protest or else it'll come off she has a reason to not be trusted and to not trust them. She stands up and just as she's about to push the door open, she hears Ade's pleads. And something is awoken in her. She runs to the man and kicks at his neck. The heel of her shoe pierces his neck. He bleeds out in silence and Zahra jumps back in shock. Imene covers her mouth and shhs her then nods to the door. Zahra nods back and locks the door Tre just went out of. Imene dislodges her heel from the man's throat and peeks out the door they originally came from. She catches Ade's eye. Without saying much she signals that it's about to go down. She gently closes the door.

"Zah, break that bottle." Imene demands.


"Do it." She grimaces. Zahra smashes the bottle on the coffee table in front of her and the knob to the door Tre went out of jiggles. He bangs. The guards in front of Ade become alert. They push Ade out the way and go into room. Imene slits the first guard's throat and the second takes too long to register what's happening. Ade shoots him in the head.

"Come on!" Ade says. He runs and the girls follow. Imene kicks her shoes off and runs out the club and stays on Ade's heel as they run to the car. Zahra's not too far behind. They run with their lives and Ade wastes no time starting the car. He drives off as Zahra is closing her door. They constantly look behind themselves and after 30 minutes of driving and no sign of a chase, they know they got away.

Zahra starts to laugh. Ade and Imene look at one another puzzled.

"That fucking security walked in like 'What the fuck?!' " She laughs. "And- and Imene's ass turned into goddamn wonder girl, man, my feet all cut up and I ain't even feel that shit!" She chortles. Imene and Ade can't help but to join in.

Back at the club, Tre bursts into the door to find the three bodies piled up on one another. He chuckles to himself.

"So Ms. East isn't as Hollywood as we thought." He says. "Noted."

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