The Chaotic Seating Arrangement

Start from the beginning

" This can't happen-" Ron tries to argue. 

" Don't even talk, Look where your placed" Loki tells him. 

" OH THIS IS NOT HAPPE-" Pansy starts to scream. 

" It is" Loki smirks twirling her drink. 

" Loki, What have I done?" Ron looks at her with pleading eyes. " I mean Luna is a good person to sit next to but Pug fa-"

Pansy smacks him right across the jaw. 

" See, Its not Funny" Draco looks side ways as he was the last person of the row. 

" Abuse" Ron protests " I will not sit next to an abusive woman". 

" Sorry Pal, can't change seating arrangements" Loki giggles a bit. 

" I've also been placed not only by the Weasel but the Mudblood as well!" Pansy yells as she falls over. 

" This is ridiculous, Loki. What are your plans?" Bellatrix glares at her. 

" Something' Loki gives a very menacing response. 

Pansy and Ron grumble sitting next to each other. They have a little hand fight seeking dominance  on the snacks between them but Pansy wins. Ron frowns at it. 

" It seems I've been put next to Fred Weasley" Narcissa notices. She was up in the second row at the end and Indeed the second to last seat which was next to hers was Fred's. 

" I mean at least Its not Luc-" Fred pauses mid sentence " Why the hell is Lucius next to me". 

" I will not take this disgrace" Lucius glares at Loki " Not a Blood Traitor between my wife and I!" 

" Their is another Blood Traitor on your right as well" Loki notifies him. 

She wasn't wrong, on his right was a person's name in Big Letters. 

" You put me next to The Ginny Weasley" Lucius scolds Loki " She just insulted my son". 

 " Seems like everyone forgot that" Draco whispers as Hermione gives him a swift glare. 

" No, I refuse for Lucius to sit next to me" Fred argues. 

" Where am I sitting?" George asks feeling sad. 

" I wonder where" Harry whispers as they look around. 

" And I refuse to sit next to him" Ginny agrees " Our History is terrible". 

" I know, That's the point" Loki replies. 

" No Bloody way" Fred stares at her " What if Lucius and I switch. He's next to his wife, I'm next to my sister-" 

" Your still next to him" Narcissa tells him. 

" But its better-" Fred answers. 

" The Seat only takes the person its for" Loki gets off the podium walking around. 

" Oh my-" Ginny grumbles as she sits down " Oh even better Blaise Zabini is sitting next to me". 

Blaise didn't even stop and argue but went quickly to his seat. Lucius finally sits down slowly watching Blaise. 

" Not even arguing" Harry laughs " Accepted your fate"

" No, I'm only excited. I'll be sitting next to the Chosen one" Blaise smirks as everybody else's face drops. 

" Your Joking" Harry says. 

" He's not" Neville looks up to the name tag " Harry Potter" Neville reads the tag. 

" Oh you've got to be Blood kidding me" Harry stares at the seat " I demand you to change it-" 

" I can't" Loki immediately says. 

" and Why" Harry says. 

" My Subconsciousness created this" Loki says " We choose an open Theatre and This is what was created". 

" Your Subconsciousness is Bloody Crazy" Ron says as he dodges another punch from Pansy. 

" It is " Loki agrees. 

" Your Mad" Harry sits down to his seat uncomfortable. " This is Why I wanted to go back".

" So, Where do I sit?" George stares at Loki. 

" Next to me" Dumbledore smiles " First person in our row".

" You've got to be shi-" George complains. 

" Don't curse" Snape says. 

" It'll be fine" Harry looks up " Your next to Dumbledore, not Snape and I'm also here"

" True" George agrees sitting down. Dumbledore promptly sits down as Snape snits next to him. McGonagall sits down as soon sees Bellatrix hoovering towards the last seat. 

" Oh, I will not be taking this" McGonagall snares at Bellatrix. 

" But Oh you will" Bellatrix jumps unto her seat. Snape stares at her in disgust. " The best place to be sat Next to a Filthy Half Blooded Hag." Bellatrix turns her face to Loki waving " Thanks Loki!" 

" No problem" Loki smiles " The only reason I placed her their was because I know you could handle her". 

" She's talking to me" McGonagall looks at a Jump Bellatrix. 

" No, you IDOT" Bellatrix yells at her. 

" Now, Who hates their seat" Loki asks as everybody except Bellatrix, Luna, Dumbledore and Snape raise their hands. " Now That's good".

" How?" Harry seems baffled. 

" We-"

" How come Neville and Luna get the best seats" Ron speaks up " You have a bias" 

" Well they tend to be the most unproblematic of the group" Loki whispers.

" I'm problematic" Fred points at himself. 

" Well in your past or anything maybe Future" Loki tells them. 

" I call Bullcrap" Hermione says. 

" Your seating kind of matches the mixing up positions of the paintings" Loki looks at the paintings specifically the Marauder's Photo next to the Snape and Lucius Photo. 

" It does" Luna notices. 

" I still hate my seats, I want a damn explanation on this arrangement" Harry protests. 

' Well, You might not know this but-" Loki starts " You know when Teachers realize students aren't paying attention because they are in the group of people that they are friends with. The Teacher decides to mix them up so they meet other people. That they have to work with people they hate. So The teacher stops allowing people to sit whenever they want-near their friends but gives them assigned seats". 

" Sounds like my Muggle school except I didn't have friends" Harry says as Blaise tries to control himself. 

" Great, because I was just going to say No" Draco answers. 

" Muggle school, yes" Hermione nods. 

" So, I decided to do the same here. To mix up people and stop allowing you to choose who you want to sit next to, To see the outcome and you can focus more without saying insults" Loki smiles  towards Draco who moves his glance " Cause I give you every right to hit him when he says some fucked up shit".  

" Loki, you go to a Muggle school?" Pansy stares at her. 

" Wasn't it Obvious when you were reacting to my world" Loki hisses " Your Fictional".

" Damn, Don't hurt my feelings like that" Fred says. 

" My Bad" Loki floats toward her podium. Placing down her drink " Were gonna watch something Traumatizing. Um- Professor McGonagall for this clip I would like you to control your friend next to you before I have to". 

" Ok" McGonagall mouths as Loki plays the clip. 

" I'd like to see you try" Bellatrix cackles.

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