Chapter 5: Mt. Natagumo

Start from the beginning

"Morning Zenitsu."


"Huh? Um...Goodmorning Zenitsu."

Zenitsu started crying.

"Ah! Zenitsu! Why are you crying!?"

"T- Tanjiro...I- I CAN HEAR YOU AGAIN!"

Zenitsu screamed while crying.

"Wait? You can!?"


Zenitsu said, still crying. Tanjiro hugged Zenitsu and Zenitsu stopped crying.

"I'm so happy you can hear again!"

Zenitsu blushed a little and hugged Tanjiro back.

"I'm too!"

-Meanwhile with Inosuke-

Inosuke was peeking through kitchen door, looking at Aoi, preparing breakfast.

Should I give it to her now or...EH SCREW THIS I'M GONNA DO IT!

Inosuke barged into the room.

"Good morning. Oh- I see you are without your mask again. I'm glad."

Inosuke stood there in silence and gave her the rose. Aoi looked at the rose and then back at Inosuke.

"Is this for me?"

Inosuke nooded and Aoi took the rose.

"Aw, you are so sweet."

Inosuke looked away and sat at the table.


He mumbeled but inside he felt warm and happy. Then, Tanjiro and Zenitsu arrived to the kitchen.


Aoi said.

"Good morning."

Tanjiro said.


Zenitsu screamed. Aoi and Inosuke looked at Zenitsu surprisingly and Tanjiro just smiled.

"You can!?"

Aoi said.


"I'm so glad my eardrops helped."

Tanjiro and Zenitsu sat at the table with Inosuke. Then Tanjiro noticed the yellow rose on the kitchen counter. He whispered in Zenitsu's ear which made him flinch a little.

"Did you give your rose to Aoi?"

Zenitsu whispered back.

"No, my rose is on the table in my room."

"Where did she get the rose from then?"

"I don't know..."

Suddenly, a crow flew in the kitchen through the open window.

"Tanjiro, Zenitsu, Inosuke, head to the Mountain Natagumo! People have been dissapearing lately!"

Tanjiro and Inosuke jumped up from their seats but Zenitsu hasitated. Tanjiro grabbed Zenitsu's arm and pulled him up from his seat.

"Come on Zenitsu, It's gonna be fine. Go grab your sword in your room and me and Inosuke will wait for you outside. Okay?"

Zenitsu nooded slowly. All three if them left the kitchen. Tanjiro and Inosuke left outside while Zenitsu head towards his room.

Why do I have to go on a mission already...I'm scared...Why am I always so scared...I hate myself. I wanna be brave like Tanjiro. I promised Gramps that I'll become the next thunder hashira, so I need to fight...But I realy don't want to...

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