Satan liked crack once

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Harry POV

I was 420 blazing it when I walked in and I go hit it's a pound of white shit my nose went cray-cray. While I picked up the white shit that smelled like fucking weed, and was walking again I saw some bish with dreadlocks she or he I don't judge looked a lot like Lil Wayne or Whoopie Goldberg I always wondered if Whoopie Goldberg and Lil Wayne were the same person just kind of living the Hannah Montana style life like the best of both worlds you know.

My eyes couldn't really see much of her due to her hidden face and it was fucking dark and purple as shit here looked like a fucking ikea meth lab.

Anyways she was just staring at the wall like what the fuck was her problem ugly ass just sitting there. I like that spot now where she was sitting. It seemed like a good spot I see why she chose it. I'm confused why she just staring at the wall she be weirding the shit out of everyone, I saw some girl go up to her and tap her shoulder, damn that face need some construction weird eyes, she wouldn't stop glaring at the girl who tapped her on her shoulder.

Fuck her she weirds the shit out of me it's this weird feeling like what the fuck is she doing here she creeps the shit out of me. I saw a hot blonde sitting up at the front flirting with every ass she could see. She was hot man, she looked fucking annoying at the same time though. She seemed like the type that thought her blonde hair was too blonde,and I know people like that.

I still saw her ass flirting her way off with every guy confused the shit out of me like calm down there's enough man to go around. Dis bish is going to finish her way up with every man until that vajay jay turns into something else, like calm yo ass bishhhhh.

Oh shit she's with Niall, fuck not Niall, Niall's pretty cool like why's she got to fuck with Niall I saw her ass touching his blonde hair well dey both blonde it could work out I guess, but like why is she using Niall. Niall really fucked up in his own way, less fucked up then my mind, but fucked up. He pretty cool cause our fucked up minds combine and shit when we're together, but when we're alone we confused half the fucking time.

After a while I saw her roll up a joint which she had in her big ass weave, she used her weave as a purse who da fuck does dat. She pulled out random shit from her bag one by one by one by one by one. I felt like me and her hair had a connection not her weave not dat shit her blonde hair, it felt special lime I don't fucking know why, but it did I felt so fucking high right now but then WAIT MY NIGGGSSS GUESS WHATZ HAPPENED.

She pulled out the joint and stuck it into Niall's hair, freaking Niall screamed his ass out. Dat bish is Fucked. Up. Like why be in denial when de Niall can be in you. Like crazy bitch. Anyways I went up to her and apparently her name was fucking Jasmine, but da thing is apparently that was her stripper name like she be talking to me about how I should ride her magic carpet sometime.

I left Jasmine and went straight for that table with Dora the explorer on it, she was the table, like her face was fucking everywhere on it. I wanted it, so I made a plan to steal it, but then I heard a voice in the back

"Modern pornos have lost the touch of what older pornos could do you know, dey just suck dick like there should way more than that like a story I want to feel da feels when I is porning out you know"

I couldn't agree more so I turned around to join in the conversation when I saw that it was da ugly bish who I saw at the beginning, it was apparently a she, and she left the corner and was staring at the ground. Her black hood was on top of her hair, she didn't have Whoopie Goldberg dread locks, but something was seriously fucked up about dat hair, and her face God damn . She's something that you've never seen before, she weird.

I turned around to see her conversing with one fucked up bish who fucked my life up, well he fucked up one day and then fucked up the next day and a lot of fucking days after dat he is da most annoying niggs you is ever going to meet.

Naughty boy.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2015 ⏰

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