Fred's POV: The Fred Heads

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Dare: Test out your punching skills on ya know who Truth: Tell your parents about what you did last summer Fail to do so and they all dieXxPS: Your my favourite xoxo

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Dare: Test out your punching skills on ya know who
Truth: Tell your parents about what you did last summer
Fail to do so and they all die
PS: Your my favourite xoxo

I kept staring at the piece of paper that The Angel Of Death had sent me yesterday, going over it through my head. I was worried about what dares the others had gotten, but I think my main concern was my truth or dare. The dare seemed like a direct shot at Jaime, he was always trying to flirt with Hermione so I was more than happy to do so, but I just know that it would hurt Hermione, plus she's would get me into a lot of trouble. Another thing that would get me into a lot of trouble was the truth, you see last summer, I was a completely different person. My dad was well and everything was going fine, until I made friends with Marty Mantle. Marty Mantle was a fellow member of the baseball team, we'd hung out a few times last summer, and let's just say he was a bad influence. Marty convinced me to through a huge party, so I did so, I invited half the school and the house was packed with 15 year old teens, getting wasted and having a little too much fun. After the party, when my parents came home, they noticed a large sum of money gone from their room. My first initial through was that they'd misplaced it, but then I realised someone at the party must have taken it. Turns out that money was really important to Andrews Construction, that incident was one of the reasons we were almost going bust. I was the reason. The thing that chilled me the most was that the only person who knew about this was Alice, and as far as I knew she hadn't told anyone, meaning that perhaps The Angel Of Death had taken it, meaning they were at the party, meaning they probably were someone I knew. I sighed and folded the piece of paper up, hiding it under my pillow. As far as I knew, none of the others had completed the game yet, I guess there was no time to waste. It was time to come clean. I walked downstairs, entering the living room where my dad was watching television, getting weaker and weaker by the day "Mom?" I called, she appeared in the lounge "What is it Freddie?" She asked "Everything okay?" I hesitated "Can we talk?" She nodded and ushered me into the dining room, sitting down on one of the chairs "What is it?" I sighed "You know last summer? When you and dad went to Europe?" I asked, she nodded, her eyebrow raised "Well....I kinda threw a rager" I said, wincing. Her eyebrowed lowered and a serious look appeared on her face "And the money that went missing, I guess...I don't know I guess someone must've stolen it" I said, she frowned "Oh Fred, why didn't you tell us?" She exclaimed, taking my hand "I just....felt guilty I guess" She shook her head and opened up her arms, I walled over to her, giving her a hug "Your not mad?" I asked, confused "I'm just glad you came clean...even if it was a year later" "You'll always be our son" I turned around, It was my dad, limping into the room "Nothing would change that, not even some stupid money incident, I mean who even leaves money hanging around like that anyway?" He laughed, looking at mom, her face turned bright red, but we all shared a hug all the same. This is the first time we'd all been happy in a long time. Take that Angel Of Death, your going down.

Over the past few months, me and Hermione had formed a band, it consisted of Alice, FP and Sierra Samuel's, as well as us. We all sang, but I was the lead singer on guitar, Hermione was on tambourine, Sierra on electric guitar, FP on drums and Alice on keyboard. Together we were 'The Fred Heads' What? Don't look at me it was FP'S idea. Despite it being summer break, the school was still open for athletics and clubs, today it was band practise. I arrived in the music room early, tuning my guitar. I flicked through my music sheets until I found the song I was looking for, purple rain the song I had written for Hermione a few months back. I played the tune of it on my guitar, the melodious tune filling my ears "Nice song" smirked Hermione as she entered the music room, Alice, FP, Mary and Sierra at her feet, I blushed "Thanks" Sure, things had been a little awkward since I'd told Hermione that I love her, but what was I thinking? I shouldn't have put pressure on her like that or expected her to say anything back "I thought I'd come and watch" Mary exclaimed "Check you guys out" My smile faded a tad "Cool" I said, I looked around at everyone, Sierra was stood there awkwardly, guitar in hand, FP and Alice were barely communicating with one other and Hermione looked as though she'd just seen a ghost "Great news everyone" I said, lightning the mood, Hermione sat upright, tilting her head "Principal Featherhead talked to the mayor and showed them our tape and he's agreed to let us perform at the carnival!" I said, "That's great" Sierra said although she didn't look thrilled, "So are we doing Should I Stay Or Should I go?" FP asked, I nodded it seemed like an appropriate song. We each got our instruments prepared and stood in a group, practising our song, we sounded okay, just not perfect. I couldn't help but think how tense everyone seemed, FP and Alice barely said two words to eachother and Hermione couldn't even look at me. It felt like we were falling apart, piece by piece, until we would eventually break.

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