Chapter 48 - Recieving Understanding

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"Yeah, I've 'been'," she laughed, passing me the cup.

"That good yeah?" I joked back.

"Its been hard," she said, opening up a little, "really hard."

"I know, Inds," I said to her, reaching for her hand for comfort, "I know what it's like to not have your dad, your parent."

"I just don't know how I am supposed to keep going without him. He was everything to me. He was my biggest supporter, always supporting me from afar."

"He loved you, Inds, probably more than anything in the world."

"Well, I was the favourite," Indi joked.

"But in all seriousness, you just gotta keep fighting, keep playing the game he always loved watching you play. That's the gift you can give him."

"I just wished that I had seen him one more time. Went to see him before all this happened."

"I know, but you can't think like that. You can't live like that. You can't live with regret or guilt, because it will build up to a point where it's unmanageable. You've got to remember all the good parts, not the bad."

After a few minutes, Indi changed the topic.

"This is a change," she said.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Well, normally it's me giving the inspirational monologues."

"Well you are very good at them," I replied, "so I thought I'd give it a try too. You deserve to hear one every now and again."

I wanted to stay with Indi longer, but I knew I had my entire team waiting for me, so I left her apartment, and headed to where the bus was waiting for me.

"Did you do it?" Jackie asked me, as I sat beside her. They were all waiting patiently for me on the bus, and as soon as I got on, it left.

"Yeah, I saw her. But Jack," I said, quietly, "I have a lot to tell you." I looked around the bus, to make sure no one was near.

"What?" She asked, concerned.

"I know what happened. I know who told."

"Jesus, where have you been the past three hours?"

"I have been on an adventure, for the lack of better words."

"And...?" Jackie asked, wanting to know.

"I can't tell you here. When we get back, you'll know." She looked confused, as she raised her eyebrows, but as she saw me looking around the coach, somewhat worried, she understood. She understood that there was not the time nor place to have the conversation we were needing to have.

When we arrived back in Manchester, I explained to Jackie all that I had uncovered.

"Shit," Jackie said, sitting on the couch.


"Are we sure?" She asked, "like sure it was her? Is Rachel a reliable source?"

"I mean, I think so."

"I just don't know why she would do that."

"Neither, but I don't think I want to find out. Not for a little bit I guess."

I soon left for the international break, and thankfully, this time, we were playing friendlies with other teams in Europe, so I wouldn't be the one having to travel the long flight. We were having one match against France and the other against Germany, both of which were very good and competitive sides. It was going to be a tough match for both teams.

Little Do They KnowOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant