Chapter 13

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Molly's POV

After Stephanie left the room I heard I noise. I got up and looked around.

"Hello," I said.

*Crash* the window shatters. I look at the window. There stood a man with long dark hair, a metal arm, and a mask over his face.

"Wh-Who are y-you," I stutter.

He said nothing just held out his metal hand to me.

"Who are you," I say again more confident.

"Take it," he said in a deep voice.

"No, not it you tell me who you are," I said again.

"Take it, or I kill you myself," he said.

I shakingly take his hand. He pulled me toward the window.

"Where are you taking me," I asked.

"Stop asking questions," he growled.

He jumped out the window his hand still griping mine. I screamed as we fell down the side of the building out the window. At the ground we landed in a trash bin. Still gripping my hand he pulled me out of the trash bin.

"I have the girl," he grumbled but there was nothing there.

A van pulled up and the door opened. A man stood there he looked familiar but I could think how. The man with the metal arm threw me into the van and I landed next to the man in the car.

"Now, finished what we started," the man in the car said.

The man with the metal arm nodded and the van door closed.

"Hello Molly," he said smiling.

"Who are you? Why am I here?" I asked.

"You ask a lot of questions don't you, Molly," he said.

"I guess I just like to know what's going on around me," I snapped back.

"Well then, why don't I answer them, right after you answer mine," he said.

"How about the other way around," I said.

"Fine, I'm Alexander Pierce. Why your here is to answer my questions, is that understood?" He said.

"Sure, fire away," I said and rolled my eyes.

"Were you there the night Nick Fury was shot?" He asked.

"Ya but I was in the other room the the whole time until the gun shot went off," I replied.

"*Sigh*, Ok so you didn't she anything?"

"No sir, I did not."

"Alright, fine. Where's your father?"

"I don't know. He left me at the orphanage a week ago and he's never came back or call or anything."

"So he abandoned you, just like that?"

"I guess, I don't know, he said it was to keep me safe."

The van stopped.

"Look out the window," he said.

I did as I was told. I looked out and saw my Dad and Natasha fighting with the man with the metal arm. From the looks dad and Nat weren't doing good.

"Stop! Make that man stop! Please! Don't kill me dad! I just found him, I can't lose him! Not again!" I said.

The van started moving again. The fight got farther and farther away until I couldn't see it anymore. I stayed silent in the corner hugging my knees to my chest.

"You see Molly. The Winter Solider is going to kill you father or you father is going to tell us what we want to know. Now honestly I don't want to kill him, because I want to know the information he's not telling. But you father is a bad man until he gives me that information. And your going to help me get it," he said.

"How? How am I going to get it," I asked.

"Your his daughter. Something happens to you, doom, I get what I want," he said.

The van stopped again. We were at SHEILD HQ. A man that was in the van put me in handcuffs and dragged me into HQ.

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