Chapter 12

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"Molly, you need to eat something," Stephanie said.

I stayed silent. It's been a week and I still haven't eaten anything and I haven't left my old room in the orphanage.

"He's never coming back Stephanie. He left me here. He doesn't want me, just like everyone else," I said.

"Molly, he wanted you safe and that's why your here. Now please eat something," she said and sat down a plate of food and left the room.

Steve's POV
I walked down the stairs of Sam's house. I sat down and a phone started ringing.

"Hello?" Sam answered, "Yes one second."

"Steve it's for you," he said.

I put the phone to my ear.

"Hello," I said.

"Steve this is Stephanie."

"Stephanie, hello I've been meaning to call. How's my girl doing?"

"Um not good."

"Why?!? What happened?!?"

"Steve, she hasn't eaten sense you dropped her off. She think you abandoned her."

"Oh no. Is there any way I can talk to her."

"Sure one second."

There was silence. Then she started calling out Molly's name.

"Stephanie! Is she alright!"

"She's not here, I don't know we're she went."

I found you (Captain America fanfic)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora