DaiSuga - ☁️ Fluff ☁️

Start from the beginning

" No Buts ! I'll go take care of the two kids and you go eat inside ! "

" Fine . "

" Don't pout ! You get to eat THEE food made by Sugawara ! " 

He then proceeds to point at himself, proud of his accomplishments.

I agree in defeat.

" Ok . "

" Ok see ya later ! Dad-ichi ! Hehe ! "

Ok why is this guy cute as fuck ! Wait what am I saying ? What did he just call me ?!? Great now I'm blushing like hell ! Wait ... now I got up and screamed really loudly...

" Whatever you say Suga-Mama ! "

Even though he was far away I knew he heated that because he stopped running turned around blushing and turned back around again . I don't really know why . Maybe he wanted to say something back but forgot or maybe just didn't have a good enough comeback.

Anyway I walk into the school and head to the cafeteria. They are only 4 other people there .

 3 guys who are in a group playing on Nintendo's , I think their 2nd years .

1 young girl , I think she's in Hinata's class , who looks like she's studying.

I sit down at the empty table and take out my history book , I was lucky enough that me , Asahi and Sugawara got to be in the same class this year . We stayed up last night on a call to study but I think I'll study a little more . 

15 minutes later ...

Ok so I finished the food , which tasted delicious, and finished double checking my notes . I go back outside to the gym to find Sugawara.

🕊Sugawara 🕊 POV -

I really regret not letting Daichi help me ... when I got to the club room door , Hinata tackeled me while Kageyama grabbed the key and opened the door , they then started to aggressively do passes , so aggressive , that they ended up fighting. Hinata started crying and Kageyama was still calling him names . 

So as any good parental figure would do ... I punched the negativity out of him ! It always works ! Even for Asahai . After that they were ok but when I reminded them about the exams they made a break for it and they both hid in the club room. Now they're  stuck in there . Or rather they don't wanna come out .

Finally Daichi and his wonderful thighs show up . He then asks ...

" Where are they ? "

This dumbass ... they're obviously here ... so I reply

" They're currently on their way to Africa to go boxing with a kangaroo called nick . Dumbass ! They're here ! "

" Jeez , Suga ... ok . "

He then takes out his club room key . Opens the door and see Kageyama and Hinata resting their heads on each other and snoring. Me and Daichi start snickering...

💀Daichi 💀 POV -

Suga loooks so cute when he laughing  ! 

As a friend... of course . Suga then says...

 " Now we will leave them here until they wake up ! "

" Are you sure ? "

" I'm their mom ! Of course I'm sure ! "

Then Suga starts staring at nothing in particular...maybe he's spacing out? Then he says ...

" Um I- ok , do, wait no, ok start over , can me and you talk outside Daichi p-please ? "

He seems nervous and usually he doesn't get nervous so I think I might have done something wrong ... I slowly reply ...

" Sure ... "

We make it outside of the club room and Suga closes the door . He's definitely mad at me , maybe if I apologize before hand he'll forgive me . Not that I know what I did wrong...maybe...what did I do wrong ? I'll just apologize .

Before Suga could say anything, I say in panic...

" I'M SORRY ! "

He looks at me questioning what I just did and says...

" You knew ? "

Now it's my turn to be confused ...

" Knew ? Knew what ? "

" That I liked you . "

At this moment I knew I fucked up ...

🕊Sugawara 🕊 POV -

He ... doesn't...like me back...

I can't...how did he know... I tried my best to keep it a secret...

Wow...I can't believe...he rejected me...who am I kidding he isn't gay...

I look at him and he has a face full of blush and confusion...

" Y-you like me ? "

This idiot...is that not what I just said...


I begin to open the door again when he puts his hand on mine and says ...

" I like you too . "

I am now a tomato . Daichi likes me back ...

" Didn't you just say sorry ? As in sorry I don't like you back ? "

" NOO NO NO ! I thought you were mad at me so I said sorry , I ... love you Sugawara . "

I calmly say ...

" Excuse me for a moment... "

And turn around and start celebrating in my head then I remember after packing Daichi breakfast I made Daichi something ... 

I turn around and say 

" I have something for you ... "

I quickly search through my backpack and take it out a envelope ...

" I made a poem for you ! "

I then bow down , not only for respect , but because my face is a blushing mess .

" T-thank you ! "

He says then he opens it up and reads it out loud .

' Roses are red , Violets are blue !


Only for you !

I hope you are too !

Love , Sugawara !

< 3 '

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Where I live , its rlly cold rn , so I write fluff ! To make me feel better ! 

( 1582 words )

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