Chapter 3: Halloween Memories.

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Kourin had been living a normal highschool girl life for a few months and she was enjoying herself. It was month of Halloween, a season Kourin didn't mind but also didn't like. "Hey Takudo? Do we have to dress up for a commercial again?" Kourin complained. "No. Don't worry. Ultra Rare won't be doing any commercials while you're attending school" he said. "Good. Alright, see you guys later" she said. She arrived at school to entire Academy was decorated.

"Hey Kourin" Aichi greeted. "Morning" she said. "Are you thinking of going?" he asked whilst pointing at a sign. "A festival huh?" she said. "I don't know. Every season I always get crowded by fans and it's annoying. Having to dress up and take selfies" she complained. "Well, what if you dress up and cover your face. That way people won't recognise you" he said. "Huh" she mumbled. "I'll think about it" she said. The day flew by and the club arrived at Card Capital. "Hey guys. I have an announcement! Shin happily exclaimed.

"What's going on?" Aichi asked. "Misaki, why don't you tell them" Shin said. "Okay. Card Capital is hosting a party where people get to dress up as units and cardfight all they want" Misaki explained. "Dressing up as units, huh?" Shingo asked. Kourin turned to Aichi and started to picture the moment between them during the play. She started to blush and let out a little smile. "What's wrong, Kourin?" Shingk asked. "Huh? What, am I not allowed to smile" she defensively said. "What are you guys going to dress up as?" Shin asked. "I don't know. A dragon maybe" Naoki said. "A unit from the Murakumo clan" Shingo said.

"I'm not sure yet. But I'll think of something" Aichi said. "I'll dress up as something that has a mask. So people don't bother me" Kourin said. The club disbanded and left for home. While Kourin was walking home, she ran into someone. "Hey Kourin. Fancy meeting you here" they said. Kourin turned around and saw that it was Suiko. "Oh Suiko. Hm, normally you're home before me" Kourin said. "Yeah well, I finally enrolled at a highschool and I've joined their own club, same as you" Suiko said. "Oh right. So, what are you doing for Halloween?" Kourin asked.

"Nothing really. Just gonna relax for once. What about you?" Suiko said. "Oh well, my school doing a festival and club is going to a party at Card Capital" Kourin replied. "Oh. Are you gonna dress up as a princess again?" Suiko teased. "N, no! I don't even know what I'm going as" Kourin said. "I see" Suiko said. "What?" Kourin asked. "You seem to be enjoying yourself. And you've taking a liking to a certain someone" Suiko teased. "Oh don't start. He's just a friend I treasure" Kourin said. But then, Kourin stopped and thought about what she said. Her heart started racing again.

"Why, why am I feeling like this? He's just a friend, isn't he?" she thought to herself. Suiko smiled and thought "Kourin. I can read you like a book".

The next day, Suiko was attending Fukuhara high, which was Team Asteroids school. "It seems Kourin's school is doing a festival and her club are going to a card shop for a party. I'm intrigued to see how Kourin's doing" Suiko said. "Why would you do that?" Asaka asked. "It seems Kourin has taking a liking to Aichi Sendou and I'm interested to see what she dresses up as" Suiko replied. "Are they cardfighting?" Asaka asked. "Not sure. But do you want to find out?" Suiko asked. "I doubt Ren would approve" Asaka said. Then the man of the hour came.

"What's this about Aichi?" he asked. "Oh. I thought it would be good to see what his festival are doing, and seeing how Kourin's doing" Suiko said. "I think you should both go. I think it would be good intel" Ren said. With that said, Suiko and Asaka went to Miyaji Academy's Halloween festival undercover. Suiko dressed up as a wolf.

"I'm not dressing up

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"I'm not dressing up. We're here just for surveillance. Remember that" Asaka said sternly. "Oh come on. We're allowed to have a bit of fun. Let's go" Suiko said.

The day of festival arrived. Naoki came as a dragon, Shingo as a Murakumo unit, Misaki was dressed as a witch and Aichi came as Dandy Guy Romario from Granblue,(without looking like a zombie). Kourin came as Mistress Hurricane, with a mask. Kourin was waiting for her club members. Aichi was the first to arrive. Kourin was stunned. She saw Aichi in a white suit with a red bow tie, holding a rose. She couldn't stop staring at Aichi. She was blushing as red as the rose Aichi was holding. "What's wrong? Does it look weird?" he asked. "What? Oh no. You look... um, handsome" she said. "Oh thanks. You're dressed as Mistress Hurricane, aren't you?" he asked.

"Yeah. Does it look okay?" she asked. "No you look beautiful. Maybe even better than the card image" Aichi said. Kourin's face was as bright as the sun. "Please don't say things like that" she said. Kourin turned around and felt her heart and smiled at Aichi's compliment. Suiko and Asaka arrived as well. "Oh look. Kourin looks like she's having a good time" Suiko said. They saw Kourin and Aichi laughing together. Then they were spotted. "Suiko. Why are you here?" they were asked. They were spotted by Kourin.

"Well, you were talking so much about this festival that I just had to come" Suiko replied. "Well, just don't blow my cover" Kourin said. "Oh Mr Sendou. Aren't you looking sharp as ever?" Suiko said. "Oh thank you. I don't usually dress up like this" he said. "Have any plans with Kourin, Mr Sendou?" Suiko teased. "Huh? Plans?" Aichi asked, with a confused look. "Don't tease him like that. Come on, Aichi. Let's go to Card Capital before it's too late" Kourin said while pulling Aichi along. "I'm glad she's enjoying herself, and found someone she treasures other than Ultra Rare" Suiko said.

Aichi and Kourin left Miyaji and headed toward Card Capital. "Hey, what did she mean by 'plans'?" Aichi asked. "Oh don't play attention to her. She likes to tease people" Kourin replied. But then, it started to rain. "Oh, it's raining. Why now?" Kourin said. "Look! Shelter!" Aichi shouted. Aichi grabbed Kourin's hand and pulled her along to the nearby shelter. They were panting. "Okay. We should be okay here" he said. Kourin was star-struck as Aichi just grabbed her hand. Again, her heart was beating but this time, it was faster than the others times.

She was lost in thought. "Here" he said. Aichi put his suit coat over Kourin as cover. "We can't have the face Ultra Rare getting a cold now, can we?" he said. "Thanks" she said, but that was all she could manage to say. "Can I ask you something?" she said. Aichi turned his attention to her. "Why are you so nice to me. I mean, I've never been nice to you and you're treating me with such kindness. Why?" she asked. "Because, you may have to act nice with Ultra Rare, but I know the real you. The real you is kind, caring and helping others, especially our club members" he said.

"Take me. You helped start this club and can't thank you enough" he added. Kourin looked away, blushing, but her hand was slowly moving towards Aichi's. Then thunder came. Their hands touched and Kourin grabbed his and moved towards him for comfort. "Are you okay? Are you scared of the thunder?" he curiously asked. "What? N, no. Maybe a little" she confessed. Aichi hugged her to make her feel safe. "Don't worry. I've got you" he said. "Is this it? Is this what it's it like to have feelings for someone" she thought to herself.

"Oh look, the rain stopped. Come on, let's go" Aichi said. They finally arrived at Card Capital. "Finally, where were you guys?" Naoki asked. "Sorry. It was raining so we waited for it to stop" Aichi replied. "Come on Aichi. Let's have fun!" Emi exclaimed.

"Was what Suiko and Rekka saying to me true? Am I having feelings for Aichi Sendou?" she thought to herself. "Even though, I'm glad to be living a normal highschool life" she said.

To be continued...

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