Chapter 2: Something I've Never Felt Before.

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It has now been a few weeks since the Cardfight club was started, and the deadline was fast approaching. They managed to get two new members: Naoki and Shingo. But they need one more. Aichi decided to ask his former teammate Misaki Tokura. Misaki challenged Aichi to a cardfight and won, so she became their last member.

Their new teacher in charge of the club came in and said "Okay guys now that we're offical, we'll need to figure out the club president and vice-president". "Since Aichi's the one who started the club, he should be the president" Kourin said. Everyone else was in agreement. "Who will be the Aichi's partner?" the teacher asked. They were all looking around at each other, dumbfounded. "Okay, why don't everyone think about it and we'll talk tomorrow" the teacher said. They all went home. Misaki, Naoki and Shingo didn't want to, but Kourin was giving it some thought.

Kourin was eating dinner with the rest of Ultra Rare and Takudo. "So, have you decided to become Aichi's partner?" Takudo asked. "Huh? Wh, why would I?" she stuttered. "Why wouldn't you? You'll get to work with Aichi, side by side" Rekka teased. "Oh be quiet! It's nothing like that. Besides, Aichi's the guy who couldn't tell a girl liked him even if she spelled it for him" Kourin said. "So you admit you like him, then?" Suiko said. Kourin just ignored them and continued eating. Once finished, she returned to her room and started to think.

"Working with Aichi, huh? Why are they teasing me like that? I don't even like him. Do I?" she said. She was looking out her window and staring at the stars.

The next day, the time came. The teacher arrived and asked "Alright. Has anyone decided to become vice-president?". No one was saying except for... "Ah. It seems we have a volunteer" he said. Everyone turned their attention to the back and saw that Kourin put her hand up. "I'm just doing this so Aichi doesn't mess anything up" she said. She got up and went to the front and stood next to Aichi. "What made you become vice-president?" Aichi asked. When asked, she began to remember what Rekka, Suiko and Takudo were saying the previous night. She was blushing and replied "Uh nothing. Just seemed like fun".

Their first order was business was to deliver some paperwork to the student council. Their club was ordered to do something for the school festival that was beginning in a few weeks. They decided to do a play. Aichi and Kourin were in the storage room looking for some equipment. "Do you see it anywhere?" he asked. "No. What are we looking for again?" she asked. "The gym mates for safety issues" he said. After looking for a few minutes, they couldn't find the anywhere. "No luck. How about you?" Aichi asked. Aichi then saw what Kourin was doing. "Ah! Kourin! What are you doing up there!" he exclaimed.

Kourin was using an unstable ladder to look at the top shelf. "Relax. I'll be fine" she said. But she wasn't. The ladder started wobbling. "Woah!" she exclaimed. Aichi started to run to Kourin's position. Kourin fell and landed on top of Aichi. They both were groaning. Once the dizziness past them by, their eyes locked onto each other and they couldn't look away. "Thank you for uh, saving me" she said. "It's fine. Wouldn't want the face of Ultra Rare to be injured. Besides, I might get sued" he joked. "Funny" she said. Kourin laughed and started to blush.

"I think we should get going now" he said. They both got up and returned to class. The day ended and Aichi was walking Kourin home again. "You sure you're okay with me walking you home again?" Aichi asked. "I'm sure. Besides..." but she stopped speaking. "What's wrong?" he asked. "Huh? Nothing" she said. Kourin just suddenly stopped talking. "Are you excited for the play?" he asked. "Yeah. Have you been getting any bother from the guys, cause you're the royal knight and I'm Amaterasu. The woman you save" Kourin said. "Uh yeah. A little bit but it doesn't bother me" he said.

They arrived home. "I'll see you tomorrow" he said. "Goodbye" she said whilst waving. She entered her with a smile on her face. ""Here comes the princess" Suiko said. "So you heard huh?" Kourin asked. "It's ONLY the thing everyone's talking about! Aichi and Kourin playing the royal lovebirds" Rekka teased. "Yep" she said while smiling. "Oh. You've stopped being so defensive, I see" Suiko said. "It's no use denying it, is there. It's true. But why make such a fuss?" Kourin asked. "We'll be sure to come and watch" Takudo said. "Huh? You're coming?" Kourin asked.

"Why wouldn't I? Your first play as a highschool student" Takudo said. "And be sure that me and Suiko will come and watch too. I'm sure Aichi will be getting everyone's hate too" Rekka said. "I don't know why. I'm just a normal girl. Besides, he's a nice guy who helps others" Kourin said. "If you are coming, just don't do anything that will make me annoyed" she said. "You got it" Rekka said.

The day of the play finally came. "The beautiful princess had everything she ever wanted: servants, money and a huge home. But, there was something she wished she had: love. Someone she could love" narrated someone. It was going well so far. There hadn't been any hiccups or anything so far. Takudo, Rekka and Suiko were in the audience, so were the rest of Miyaji Academy. About 90 minutes went by, until it was time for Aichi and Kourin's part. They were speaking their lines well and everything was going off without a hitch, until the moment Kourin was nervous: the moment where the royal knight proposes to the princess.

"Princess, are you okay?" he asked. "Yes, I am. Thank you for saving me. I am forever in your debt" she said. "Then will you do me one favor?" Aichi asked. The he proceeded to go down on one knee and asked "Princess, will you marry me?".  "Yes! Of course!" Kourin exclaimed. The Royal knight and princess hugged. The audience clapped and the curtains closed as the end came.

After some time, everyone was cleaning up. Aichi and Kourin were storing all the costumes and gym equipment back in the storage room. "So, how did you find your first play?" Aichi asked. "It was good. I enjoyed it" she replied. She turned around and saw that Aichi was really close to her. Her heart raced. "There" he said. "Huh?" she asked. "Oh, I was just putting the box of costumes on the shelf" he replied. Kourin's heart was beating faster then anything, and it just wouldn't stop.

Once finished, everyone went home. Ultra Rare returned home. Suiko and Rekka were having some tea while Kourin was in her room. She kept picturing Aichi proposing, even though it was just part of the play. "Why? Why am I feeling this way? Why do I keep picturing that moment?" she kept asking herself. She stared at the stars, and started to smile, subconsciously. Once she saw herself in the window, she realised what she was doing. "Aichi Sendou huh. A boy who was once timid, has become a very good friend. But, is he just more than that?" she asked.

To be continued...

Aichi x Kourin: Together AlwaysOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora