chapter 1

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Zim's pov
"Gir I'm of to school keep watch over the base" I told my robot I can't wait i can't beleive I'm saying this but I have a crush on a human. Not any human but that puny Dib's sister Gaz. When I got to school Ms.Bitters hissed "sit down." I took my seat and glanced over at that puny worm baby Dib. He was glaring at me and I glared back. Then Ms.Bitters started talking about something I dont know I wasn't paying attention. Then she asked me a question "what" and the whole class started laughing. "Settle down" she hissed again. The bell rang and I got up and went to lunch excited to see Gaz.
Gaz's pov
I sitting at the lunch table playing the new game slave 4 when I noticed Dib's little alien friend starring at me. I got up walked over to him and growled "do you have problem with me?" Then he said "can you come by my house later?" "What do you want" I hissed at him even though I liked him its not like I wanted everyone to know. "Fine" I sighed

Time skip

Gir's pov
I heard my master open the door and walk in "HI MASTAH" I yelled "Gir get the house ready we are having company" he said. I started getting ready I made the house nice and clean. Once I was finished I heard the door bell and then the door opened.
Zim's pov
"Umm Gaz there's something I wanted to ask you..." I got cut off by Gaz she grabbed my arm and pulled me closer. Then she kissed me she licked my lower lip asking for entrence and I let in. Us both exploring each other's mouths. Then we stopped gasping for air. Then she broke the silence "so what were you going to ask me?" "Umm..... d-do you want t-to go out with m-me?" I asked nervouse then she kissed me on the cheek and whispered "does this answer your question."
Hey guys how's it goin this is prince pikachu and this is a new book about invader zim so yeah you can guess where its goin but yah I'm a huge fan of invader zim Buuuuuuuut anyways till next time this is prince pikachu sighing off!

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