Chapter 6 - A Heartwarming Reunion

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"...Ms. Yakumo." Seeing her again unleashed a torrent of emotions. Part of me wanted to scream, part of me wanted to run, part of me wanted to kill her. I knew that no matter what I did, nothing would work, so I figured I might as well see what she wanted.

"After all this time, that's all you have to say to me? I'm absolutely hurt." I could practically feel the sarcasm off of her voice, she sounds as fake as she was back then. No matter how much time passes, I guess some things never change. "Don't you know how hard it was to find you again? You really made yourself disappear, you know. Working some dead end job- what was it again, the True Store? As well as changing your name, do you really hate me that much?"

I don't even have the words for how I feel about her, I know that she's just trying to rile me up, get a reaction. I know her too well to fall for this.

"I have nothing to say to you, Ms. Yakumo, just tell me why I'm here already, you brought me here for a reason."

"What if I say it was just to meet an old friend for the first time in quite a while?" she laughed as she said this, that melodic laugh of hers is as haunting as ever.

"But fine, I guess our heartfelt reunion can end early, you seem like you don't want to talk to me anyway..."

"Just tell me what you want already! Why am I here?!" I'm getting too nervous around her, I feel myself starting to sweat just from standing in this building again. Yukari flipped open her fan to cover everything but her deep purple eyes, piercing through me with a glare.

"Why, isn't that a foolish question. You and I both know that we didn't finish what we started."

Just like that, any form of composure that I had is gone, with just a few words all of it finally came rushing back. The things I did, the people I killed, all for what she wanted. I fall to my knees again and try my best not to puke.

"Oh dear, what's the problem? Was it something you ate? Don't tell me you didn't like the sandwiches I bought you?"

Of course, I've been dancing in her hand since the moment I started my day. My 'friend', right. Of course it was her. I could almost laugh at how clueless I've been. I managed to shakily get back on my feet, the nausea passed, and I looked Yukari Yakumo straight in her eyes.

"Yukari, you and I both know, that I'd rather die than finish that nightmare"

She sighed, I guess I disappointed her.

"Oh well, I wanted you to come willingly," she closed her fan again, "but I'm not above dragging you back in pieces." At the end of that sentence a gap opened beneath my feet, I tried jumping but was met with a swift kick from Yukari, sending me straight into the gazing void. I heard her voice echo after me as I fell endlessly.

"Welcome back, my dear."

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