Movie Night

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A/N: ik this is a cliche ass idea but I thought it would be cute, btw this is kinda a modern au but they still have magic just more technology. idk how long this is gonna be but if it's short I'm apologizing ahead of time, sorry. Anyways I hope you enjoy this fanfic
Yuno was sitting on his bed in the Golden Dawn hideout reading some shojo manga, he was sitting in comfortable silence. While he was reading, Yuno heard his window open and immediately knew who it was. "Hello Asta. What brings you here?" Yuno said this in a calm manner not looking away from his book. "Do I really need a reason to visit you?" Asta said this in a childish voice. Yuno knew this voice, Asta wanted something. Yuno chuckled a bit, "What do you want?" Yuno said this in a teasing way knowing his lover wanted something. "Wellllll, I was thinking maybe we could do something we used to do at the village." Asta had a childish grin on his face. "And that is?" This time Yuno looked at Asta before Asta showed him 3 movie DVDs. "Movie night!" Asta restrained his voice a bit so no one but Yuno heard him. "Oh, yea I remember that." The raven smiled at the memories of him and Asta watching movies together in the village along with the other kids they lived with.

Langris pov

I was walking down the dorm halls to go back to my room, but when I walked past Yuno's room I heard talking. "Movie night!" I heard the boy say, I thought to myself it had to be that magic-less brat from the Black Bulls. It wouldn't be a total surprise for the vile boy to visit since they are childhood friends. "Do they have to be horror movies?" I heard Yuno ask. Does he not like horror movies? I kept listening to their conversation until I heard something that made me freeze in place. "Common~ you know you love me." I heard the bed springs squeak, I guessed the Black Bulls brat sat down (I have no clue why I'm making him so mean to Asta XD). Love? I thought to myself. Could the calm and collected Yuno be gay?

I thought to myself until I felt my shoulder being tapped. "Um, vice-captain Langris, are you ok?" I saw a ginger-haired girl looking up at me. It was Mimosa. "Oh um yes I'm fine." I stand there silent for a moment before asking something. "Mimosa. What is Asta and Yuno's relationship?" "W-what do you mean?" She was hesitant. She must be hiding something. "What I mean is what are they to each other?" I said this in an unintentional stern voice making her jump a bit. "There friends w-what else." Mimosa seems nervous, she is hiding something. "I know you're lying to me. Now, tell me the truth. Usually, I'm not interested in this type of stuff but this has sparked my interest." Mimosa was silent for a bit then grabbed my hand and started dragging me somewhere. "H-hey what the hell are you doing!?" She stayed silent and then dragged me into her room shutting the door. "S-sorry," she said, panting from running. "Now tell me what this is about." "Well um, it's supposed to be a secret that umm..." I raised an eyebrow in curiosity. "Their dating!"

. . .

"What..." That was all I could respond with. I was shocked. "Please don't tell anyone, I promised Yuno and Asta I wouldn't tell." I sat there silently realizing something. "Mimosa... I think that's a bit too late."I say that as I point to my door. Mimosa flushed a deep red. "EEK!" Almost everyone from the Golden Dawn was staring at us including the captain. "Well, that's quite a surprise," Hamon said this with his eyes closed and grinning. "Not really, I've known for a month." Everyone, including me, stared wide-eyed at Captain Vangeance. "How about you, Mimosa, Kluse? How long have you known?" Kluse looked at the captain in surprise, guessing he didn't know that captain Vangeance knew. "How did you-" Kluse was cut off by the captain. "Well you and Mimosa are closest to Yuno, so I assumed, and I guess I was right." Captain Vangeance gave his usual soft smile as everyone just looked at him.

With Asta and Yuno, no one's pov

"I hate you so much," Yuno said, crossing his arms and looking away, Asta knew he was lying. "Common~ you know you love me." Yuno blushed and looked away as Asta snuggled up to his side in an attempt to tease the raven. I sighed. "Fine, we'll watch your horror movies." Asta's eyes sparkled as he smiled wide.

Asta set the computer up and put the movie in as he sat down next to Yuno, the movie barely started and the raven had already started moving closer to Asta, Asta giggled quietly at this.

A jump scare came on and Asta felt a weight nuzzling into the side of his neck, he smiled. Asta wrapped his arm around Yuno pulling him closer. They heard a squeaking noise but ignored it. After a while Yuno fell into Asta's lap, the ash blonde one shook Yubo a bit to see if he was asleep, and he was in fact asleep. Asta started playing with his hair and looked back at the movie.

When the movie ended Asta carefully got up putting Yuno on the bed and turned off the computer and put it in a safe place as he went back to the bed. Asta laid down next to Yuno and cuddled up to his body, this woke Yuno up, but he didn't say anything. Yuno ended up with his arms wrapped around Asta's chest while his head was buried into Asta's nape. Asta felt calm and quickly fell asleep along with Yuno.
Bonus: Remember the squeaking noise Asta and Yuno heard? Well here's what that was. The door squeaked open as heads from the Golden Dawn peeked out, specifically Langris, Mimosa, Kluse, and William. The sight they saw was surprising and adorable—Who knew Yuno was scared of horror movies? They kept spying and saw Yuno fall into Asta's lap, they guessed he fell asleep.
When the movie was over Asta put the computer up and snuggled up to Yuno and fell asleep. They were all dumbfounded by the sites they saw that night, and closed the door to go back to their rooms.


Notes: I guess this was kinda long. I hope you enjoyed this I thought it was a cute idea, sorry if it was cringe though 😅 anyways comments if you have any ideas for me.

Words: 1,134

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