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Growing up with a single mum was never easy for Aura

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Growing up with a single mum was never easy for Aura. She never took it out on her mum for the fact she didn't have a dad around; all she knew was he chose not to be there for them, so she never gave much thought to him. Not until recently, anyway. Not until her mother, Elina, fell ill. No muggle or magic could fix her.

That's another thing she grew up aware of - magic. Her mum is a witch, her father was a wizard. And she is a witch as a result. Her father was apparently considered pure blood by many, meaning his lineage wasn't tainted by muggles (normal folk), but Elina told Aura a little about his parents. His mother was the first witch of her family and his father was a pure blood. By some technicality, he's a pure blood. Married one too, apparently.

Aura doesn't have anything to do with the magical world she's betrothed to. At 14 years of age, she's never taken a single magic lesson. Never been called to the magic school her mum went to, never been caught out on it. Her mum taught her enough to contain her powers, but that's becoming tricky as of late due to her mother not being well.

Which has also led to this.

"I ain't going." Aura snaps, curled up on the sofa.

El sighs. "'I am not'," She corrects, folding her arms, "and yes you are. It's time."

"He don't want me!" She snaps.

"He was just as young as I was when he made the decisions he did!" Elina snaps back. She points behind her to the hallway and stairs. "Go get dressed. Now. I ain't playing."

"'I am not'. God, get it right." Aura tuts as she heads upstairs.

El bites her cheek - she deserved that. She can't correct her kids formal English and not her own. She moved away from London when she left Hogwarts and the wizard world but being one of the only influences her daughter has, it rubbed off. She sighs deeply to herself and grabs her coat, listening to her daughter storm around.

"Alright let's go!" El calls.

Aura is still muttering and mumbling under her breath as she storms down, now in Elina's old dungarees she passed down and some battered converse. "Stupid sperm donor. Stupid cancer." She snaps under her breath and grabs her jacket, throwing the door open.

Elina follows and climbs in the car. It's only a short drive to the city of Winchester from their home, a tiny cottage in a small village in the countryside. Elina and Aura share limited words as they walk from the car park to the cafe: Madhatter Tea Room.

"There he is." Elina whispers more to herself than Aura. Both watch the man sat in the corner fiddling with the menu; he has a beard, very blue eyes. He fiddles anxiously, shifting occasionally. He wears a simple white shirt with a grey blazer over it, no tie on. "Harry?" Elina calls gently as they approach.

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