not a trace of doubt in my mind

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Hitoshi slips inside their apartment, looking around expectantly. Katsuki's boots are missing, his duffle bag of hero things also gone. So he's still at work.


He groans, not bothering to kick off his own shoes or take any of his hero gear off. He paces around the apartment instead, trying to calm the franticness in his chest.

Queen chirps at him from her position on the window sill, so he scoops her up in hopes her fuzzy little body and her purring will help.

He badly wants to scent Katsuki. He's sure having that connection from his ma- boyfriend, would help him with... Whatever the hell this is. But he can't always rely on Katsuki for every little thing, so he tries some breathing exercises instead.

Just as he considers calling his therapist even though he knows their office closed thirty minutes ago, he hears the door open. He perks up, then skitters toward the entrance, setting Queen on her favorite bookshelf as he goes.

"Hey princess- oof!"

Hitoshi slams into him, unable to control his instincts.

"Hey, hey, what's up? What crawled up your ass?"

Hitoshi just whines, clawing at Katsuki like he could pull the entire essence of Katsuki's body inside his own and keep him.

"Sweetheart, help me out here, what's going on?"

Hitoshi sighs, trying to still his racing heart long enough to think. Concern filters over the link as Katsuki pets his hair.

"J-just... Work."

Katsuki hums, snapping Hitoshi's voice modifier off his neck and setting it on the table under the coat rack. He tugs gently on Hitoshi's capture weapon until Hitoshi leans back enough that Katsuki can ease it over his head and set that down too.

"Bad start?" Katsuki asks, pulling him back in.

Hitoshi whines, shoving his face more intently against Katsuki's scent gland.

"No, it was fine! Good even. I don't know why the hell I'm so fucking-"

"Okay, okay," Katsuki soothes, brushing the hair out of Hitoshi's face and sweeping his knuckles down his cheek and jaw. "What do you think would help? What can I do?"

Hitoshi whines, nuzzling into Katsuki's hand, his mind reeling.

"Do you want me to come up with some options for you?"

Hitoshi nods eagerly.

Katsuki hums, shifting his weight so he can pull Hitoshi closer to him, fitting a hand against his waist, stroking a thumb there, "we could... Go get some food. Or order in, if that's better."

Hitoshi pauses, then shakes his head. He's too unsettled to eat.

Katsuki nods.

"We could cuddle. We could... watch something."

Hitoshi makes a distressed little sound, tearing at his hair. Katsuki eases the fingers away and kisses each finger tip of his shaking hands.

"We could spar. Or go for a drive."

Hitoshi perks up.

"A drive. Take me on a drive."


"You really didn't have to fucking carry me down to the parking garage. Did you see those poor beta girls' faces? They were so concerned."

Katsuki chuckles, putting the car in reverse to back them out of their spot.

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