"It went pretty well."

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Scarlett Evermore had decided that her parents were the reason she couldn't find love... which was absolutely ridiculous and quite possibly the most dramatic statement in the world. Yes, they were divorced, like a lot of parents nowadays, and even so, they divorced when the girl was just a year old, she hasn't known any different, and her parents still got along extremely well, making it quite easy for the girl.

In reality, if she actually tried, she could probably find love quite easily, but Scarlett couldn't see that, so she carried on as she was, watching her friends and peers find what she was aching to have herself. Which again, is quite dramatic, she was only 15 (soon to be 16). But she wouldn't let anyone know that, as far as everyone else was concerned, she couldn't care less about relationships, which made the situation easier she thought, at least people just thought she wasn't trying and not that she was so insufferable nobody wanted her.

Her bag hung loosely on her shoulder as she and Valentina walked through the doors of East High and towards their lockers. "Where's Amy?" The brunette questioned, glancing up at her best friend who frowned down at her phone.

"I'm not sure. She hasn't replied to my messages." She replied, pocketing her phone before putting on a smile. "She's probably busy, first day back at school and all." She reassured, mostly herself.

Scarlett nodded, placing the books she wouldn't need into her locker before closing the bright red door. She went to ask another question about Valentina's girlfriend but she was distracted by the loud slam of someone else's locker. She turned her gaze towards the noise, noticing Nini say something relatively aggressively before she and Kourtney strode away. "What's that about?"

The Diaz girl smiled brightly, quickly gripping onto the brunette's arm with a giggle. "I forgot to tell you!" Somehow, Valentina Diaz knew everyone's business. Secrets and privacy were no match for the girl. "So after the whole, extremely awkward Nini, Ricky, Instagram fiasco with her professing her love and him totally shutting her down."

"That's very dramatised," Scarlett commented as they walked through the doors towards the assembly hall.

She rolled her eyes, "Whatever. So he asked for a break, right? So they had this major Ross and Rachel miscommunication situation, and now Ricky's waited all summer for her to get back, but Nini's dating EJ Caswell after they met at theatre camp."

Scarlett gasped as they climbed the bleachers, "Nini and EJ?" She questioned. "Whoah, I did not see that coming." She replied. "Quite a good-looking couple actually."

The pair sat down, as the last few people gathered into the room, filling up the bleachers from either side. The two whispered quietly throughout the speech, it was the same every year, it wasn't that important.

"And I'm also pleased to announce that this year, seniors will be allowed to wear baseball hats on Fridays." The room was close to silent as they all stared at the man in front of them. "And now for a special introduction." Scarlett scrunched her eyebrows in confusion, sharing a glance with Valentina before looking back to the front of the room. "This year, East High has a new drama teacher with an announcement that she swore, in writing, would not cost too much money."

A blonde woman then walked towards the podium and the brunette and raven-haired girl leant forward eagerly as they waited for what she had to say. "Please hold your applause." She crouched down, pulling at a t-shirt canon and firing one out into the crowd. "Go, Wildcats!" She handed the machine to the boy who stood next to her before returning to the stand. "My name is Ms Jenn, and when I heard that the high school, where high school musical was shot, had never staged a production of high school musical, the musical. I was shocked as an actress, inspired as a director, and triggered as a millennial."

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