Day 1

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Chapter 1: Day 1

Moving to Australia was one of the hardest choices Dad and I ever had to make. 14-year-old me never thought it would end up being one of the best, though.

I mean who would want to move to an island with giant spiders and no friends?

Dad told me the beaches would make everything worth it; this was going to be our next little adventure.

Fate had a little something different in mind.


7:43 A.M.

"Luke, I'm leaving! Your breakfast is on the table. If you don't make that bus you're walking to school," Liz shouted up the stairs collecting her school bags and putting on her shoes.

Luke, frantically trying to get his pants on and find his tie, was running late, again. He'd stayed up all night writing, practicing, and revising his work. Not his school work of course. He did that on the bus.

"Bye I love you! - Shit shit shit where is my homework?" Luke repeated shoving things off his desk and making the floor messier than it already was.

He told himself he was finally going to clean up his room over the weekend but those plans clearly got delayed.


7:43 A.M.

I couldn't sleep last night. Today is day 1 of possible hell and the heat from my open window is already proving my fear.

All of last night I was looking out into the yard waiting for the first snowfall of winter and it's still yet to come. New York would be feet deep by now. I kept thinking that if I went to bed I'd have to wear an itchy uniform skirt and sunscreen in the morning. I wanted to enjoy the cool night breeze as long as possible. I wanted it to feel like home for one more second.

"Angel? Are you almost ready?" Dad was all dressed up for his first day at this new job. The job that brought us to Australia literally turned our lives upside down.

I of course wasn't ready but seeing Dad all excited to finally get out there and work made the morning a lot easier. He wore what looked to be his best suit and his tie was loose around his neck.

"Good morning," I reply yawning and stretching my arms up, "what time is it?"

"It's almost 7:45, we were supposed to be leaving right about now." I look over at my phone and feel my stomach sink. I have less than 2 minutes to get out the door.

" Shit! Can you get the car ready? I just need to change and do my makeup. I can throw my hair together on the way." I jump out of bed and give Dad a kiss on the cheek as he giggles at my slight panic.

"Breakfast is on the table!" He calls after me as I run into the bathroom, uniform in hand.


8:13 A.M.

Norwest was nothing like I had expected. Kids gathered in the courtyard and a soccer ball flew over a group of girls' heads. The boys who had kicked it snickered and turned away, acting like they saw nothing.

Another small group of kids sat in a circle trading a mix of YuGiOh and Pokemon cards. Teachers walked into the school holding their coffee in one hand and a book bag in the other.

It all looked normal, to say the least. Everyone wore a similar uniform and was a similar age. For a minute it felt like I might be able to fit in. I didn't look or act any different than the other kids here.

Then I remembered I'd have to introduce myself eventually and soon everyone will know me as "American Girl".

My first class starts soon so I start walking through the maze of backpacks to find my locker.

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