favourite part of you

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finney :
your eyes
he loves when you two just lay, looking at eachother, he adores staring into your eyes and noticing every little spark and detail. he could sit and study your eyes for the rest of eternity and not get bored.

robin arellano :
your kindness
every single time he gets in a fight , without fail , you patch up his wounds on his knuckles and take care of his cuts and bruises. he may not say it much, but he appreciates how much time you dedicate to taking care of him.

bruce :
your voice
he always gets a boost of joy at just hearing your voice. hearing you cheer him on at his every baseball game always seems to give him a boost to luck and confidence. whenever he looses a game, hearing you voice can easily soothe him and help keep his cool.

vance :
your flaws
vance absolutely adores that you aren't perfect. your little flaws and quirks are so admirable to him, and he loves knowing that he's not the only one with 'issues' and it gives him great comfort that you can share that. infact, he finds your nervousness or clumsiness really quite sweet.

billy :
your laugh
billy spends hours at a time trying to get you to laugh. although it's so easy, he devotes himself to hearing you laugh. he feels so proud when he gets to hear your laugh, because not only does he get to hear it, he also gets to see you smile.

griffen :
your patience
griffen really struggles doing social things, and although you may enjoy it, you never pressure him into it. you're always there when he has a panic attack to calm and soothe him, and no matter where or how busy you are, you never let him out of your focus.

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