how you met

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finney :
you were in kindergarten and he was alone in the sandbox. he looked really sad and you decided to go be his friend. you two instantly became best friends, with him and robin.

robin :
you met in the first year of middle school. he had already gotten into a fight and you and finney had noticed. you tried to break it up and he got annoyed but stopped. his knuckles were bleeding, so you decided to help. you fixed him up and ended up becoming really close

bruce :
you were friends with Amy and decided to join her to her brothers baseball match. after the game, you introduced yourself to eachother. you slowly saw more of him every time you visited the yamada home.

vance :
he was playing pinball and somebody bumped into him. you were just looking through the candy isle when you saw the scene, vance beating up the poor boy who happened to bump into him. during this, he accidentally knocked you, looked up and apologised , despite not usually caring who he hurt. you started seeing more of him during the day until you were having daily conversations.

griffin :
you're teacher had stopped you after class had ended one day and asked you if you could try and become friends with the boy, seeing as he was so lonely during the school day. you'd never noticed him before but just went with it. you soon became friends with the boy and as you got closer , you also got to know his extroverted side.

billy :
he was the paper boy (as we all know), and one day doing his daily rounds, he accidentally hit you with the paper. he immediately stopped the bike and rushed over to apologise. you thought he was really lovely, so you waited every day for him to roll by and have a conversation with you.

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